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Department of Psychiatry Department of Psychiatry


Departmental Resources

  • BIPOC Community Forum. Our department hosts monthly events for BIPOC/URM trainees to connect and share their experiences. Please contact the faculty advisor, Dr. Larry Malak (, if you are interested in learning more about these events.
  • Personalized Consultation Program.  The Chair’s Advisory Committee on Diversity Issues offers a program entitled the Personalized Consultation Program.  This unique program is open to UCSD Psychiatry Department trainees (e.g., graduate students, interns, residents, post-docs) and provides opportunities for private discussions with a faculty member who serves as a “consultant” or “advisor” on issues relevant to personal identity and how this relates to professional development.  The goal is to give individuals a resource, in addition to their existing career mentor(s), to help address topics relevant to professional development and career goals that one may not wish to discuss in their primary professional or training setting.  This faculty consultant is a member of a specific identity group or someone with a specific life experience relevant to the consultee’s needs. This consultation service is confidential and is not discussed as part of any professional evaluation or academic review. To learn more about this program, please contact program coordinator, Matt Panizzon ( 
  • Conflict Resolution Advocate.  The Department of Psychiatry has created the position of a departmental Conflict Resolution Advocate in the aim of supporting department morale across faculty, trainees, staff, and visitors. The Conflict Resolution Advocate is appointed to investigate issues related to harassment and other complaints, provide support, and connect individuals to relevant services on or off campus. If you want to connect with our ombudsperson, or if you have concerns that could benefit from support, please reach out to our interim Conflict Resolution Advocate, Dr. Beth Twamley (   
  • EDI Action Council
  • Psychiatry Residency Diversity Committee. The UC San Diego Psychiatry Residency Program is committed to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion among trainees and faculty. 

Additional Resources

Wellness and Self-Care

  • UCSD HEAR Program (open to all UCSD School of Medicine students, staff, residents, fellows, trainees and faculty)
  • Dealing with Racism as a Healthcare Professional. This website provides resources to help URM healthcare professionals deal with racism inlcuding podcasts, interactive modules, and advice on how to respond when confronted with racist behaviors from patients.
  • A Digital Toolkit For Prioritizing Your Mental Health. This toolkit provides resouces to help URM individuals to prioritize their mental health, including self-care tools (workheets for mental breaks, a guide to healthy self-talk, self-care resources) and a list of resources for individuals from various underrepresented backgrounds (LGBTQA+, Latinx, Black, Indigineous and more).
  • Minority Mental Health Toolkit. This is virtual toolkit made in honor of National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month includes tips and tools to help the mental well being of URM individuals (self-care ideas and worksheets, mental health check-ins, sleep hygiene tips) as well as resources providing education, awareness and information about the mental health of underrepresented groups.
  • Black Emotional and Mental Health (BEAM) Collective. This webstie is designed to help with the emotional/mental health of Black communities, and provides resources to promote Black healing, including graphics, videos, and toolkits (journal prompts, affirmation toolkits, self-care tips, coping strategies).
  • Resources for BIPOC (Mass General Hospital). A compilation of provider directories, online and self-guided mental health and wellbeing resources, and resources for clinicians. 
  • UCSD Center for Mindfulness. Free access to recorded and live guided meditation sessions and other resources; some resources available in Spanish and Japanese. 
  • MHA Minority Mental Health Toolkit (PDF)
  • Resources for Black Healing (UNC Wilmington Counseling Center)
  • 104 BIPOC Mental Health Resources

Responding to Microagressions

Professional Development Resources

Professional Organizations and Groups