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Department of Psychiatry Department of Psychiatry

Grant Review

Psychiatry Grant Review

The Psychiatry Grant Review meeting aims to provide valuable feedback to anyone in the Department of Psychiatry applying for grant funding. Fellows and faculty of all ranks are invited to present their grant ideas and receive feedback from the group.

Presenters will be asked to distribute their Specific Aims page (or similar one-page summary of the grant) ahead of time, to present for about 30 minutes, and allow 30 minutes for discussion and feedback.

Upon request, the Specific Aims page or the grant itself may be reviewed by a member of the Department or, in some cases, an external reviewer. The meeting will take place the third Tuesday of each month from 8:30–9:30 a.m.

Contact Beth Twamley if you would like to present your grant.

K-R Committee

Our goal is to encourage strategic development of K Awards and other mentored grant mechanisms to enhance development of departmental needs and strengths, and to ensure that quality applicants are proposed for appropriate departmental appointments, and that competitive grant applications are submitted.

Download Committee Procedures