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Department of Psychiatry Department of Psychiatry

Implementation Science Seminars (ISS)

Implementation Science Seminars typically include an investigator presentation on a topic or grant proposal, followed by an interactive discussion where researchers of varying levels (students, postdoctoral fellows, investigators, faculty) can provide feedback, ask questions and/or discuss their ideas for grants and papers involving implementation research issues. These meetings have resulted in multiple funded projects and published papers.

All are welcome to attend these meetings and CEUs are provided to the attending psychologists.

Location: CASRC offices at Rady Children's Plaza, Health Services Room 160B (unless otherwise noted), at 3665 Kearny Villa Road, San Diego, CA 92123


  • Seminars will now be held virtually due to COVID-19.
  • Advance registration is required to attend the webinar. After you register, you will receive an email with the Zoom information to join.

Upcoming Seminars


If you are interested in presenting or would like to be included in the email distribution list, contact Joella Phillips.

Past Seminars


June 1 & 3, 2021: These seminars showcased research presentations developed by students completing UC San Diego's Dissemination & Implementation Science in Health (DISH) course.

March 12, 2021: “Comparative Configurational Methods in Implementation Science: A New Mathematical, Cross-Case Approach for Identifying Necessary & Sufficient Conditions”
Dr. Edward Miech, Ed.D.
Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine, Indiana University School of Medicine

December 18, 2020: "Development and implementation a parent mental health toolkit to promote engagement in community-based early intervention for ASD”
Barbara Caplan, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow, UC San Diego, Department of Psychiatry

May 28, 2020:
This seminar showcased graduate student presentations from the Dissemination & Implementation Science In Health (DISH) course offered through the UCSD Dissemination & Implementation Science Center (DISC).

January 27, 2020: "Economic evaluation in implementation science: Costs, impacts, and value of using research evidence in routine care"
Alex Dopp, Ph.D.
Associate Behavioral/Social Scientist, RAND Corporation


November 20, 2019: "Fostering Healthy Futures for Maltreated Youth with Child Welfare Involvement: A Positive Youth Development Approach"
Heather Taussig, Ph.D.
Professor at the Graduate School of Social Work, University of Denver

August 23, 2019: "Big data analytic approaches to understanding children’s mental health services"
Joyce Lui, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Scholar, UCLA Department of Psychology

June 11, 2019: "Community Academic Partnership for the Translational Use of Research Evidence (CAPTURE): Collaborating to Improve"
Danielle L. Fettes, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, UC San Diego, Dept. of Psychiatry

April 30, 2019: "Improving Sustainment of Child Trauma EBPs Through Implementation Supports to Reduce Therapist Burnout and Turnover"
Teresa Lind, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Scholar, UC San Diego, Dept. of Psychiatry

March 14 & March 21, 2019: Seminars showcased research projects developed by those completing UCSD School of Medicine’s course Dissemination and Implementation Science in Health.

March 4, 2019: "Individual and Organizational Factors that Affect Implementation of EBPs in Schools"
Jill Locke, Ph.D.
Research Assistant Professor
University of Washington, Dept. of Speech and Hearing Sciences

November 19, 2018: "Emerging implementation science in South Africa: Context and approaches"
Carrie Brooke-Sumner, Ph.D.
South African Medical Research Council
Implementation and Systems Advisor: Alcohol Tobacco and Other Drug Research Unit
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October 17, 2018: "D&I Ethical Considerations: Focus on Program Evaluation"
Emily Velazquez Trask, Ph.D. Senior Mental Health Researcher, Department of Psychiatry, UC San Diego
David Sommerfeld, Ph.D. Assistant Project Scientist, Department of Psychiatry, UC San Diego
(Facilitators: Nicole Stadnick, Ph.D., M.P.H.; Kelsey Dickson, Ph.D.; Jessica Suhrheinrich, Ph.D.)

August 3, 2018: "SMART and Adaptive Designs for Testing Implementation Strategies to Improve Mental Health Outcomes"
Amy M. Kilbourne, Ph.D., M.P.H.
Director, Quality Enhancement Research Initiative (QUERI), U.S. Dept of Veterans Affairs
Professor of Psychiatry, University of Michigan Medical School
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July 27, 2018: "Optimizing Family Navigation for Children's Mental Health: A Tale of Two Implementation Approaches"
Sarabeth Broder-Fingert, MD, M.P.H.
Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Boston University
Nicole Stadnick, Ph.D., M.P.H.
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, UC San Diego
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July 10, 2018: "The Role of Stakeholders in Conducting Community-Based Implementation Research: A Focus on Ethical Considerations"
Camille Nebeker, EdD, M.S.
Assistant Professor, Behavioral Medicine, Dept of Family Medicine and Public Health, UC San Diego
Director, Connected and Open Research Ethics and Building Research Integrity and Capacity
Lauren Brookman-Frazee, Ph.D.
Professor, Dept of Psychiatry, UC San Diego
Associate Director, CASRC
Research Director, Autism Discovery Institute at Rady Children’s Hospital-San Diego

June 18, 2018: "Machine Learning and Evidence-Based Counseling: Scaling Up Fidelity Monitoring of Psychosocial Interventions via Technology"
Dave Atkins, Ph.D.
Co-Director, BRiTE Center
University of Washington
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May 29, 2018: "Implementation and exnovation of EBPs for autism in schools: What happens when you add something new?"
Melanie Pellecchia, Ph.D., BCBA, NCSP
Assistant Professor of Psychology in Psychiatry
Center for Mental Health Policy and Services Research
University of Pennsylvania

May 15, 2018: "The Application of an Implementation Science Framework to an Evidence-based Intervention in Faith-Based Settings"
Elva M. Arredondo, Ph.D.
Professor, San Diego State University
Jessica Haughton, M.P.H., MA
Project Manager, Institute for Behavioral and Community Health. San Diego State University
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February 6, 2018: "Necessary but not sufficient: Why strategic climate and molar climate both matter for EBP implementation"
Nate Williams, Ph.D., LCSW
Assistant Professor, Boise State University, School of Social Work
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January 24, 2018: "Individual- and Collective-level Influences on Implementation"
Per Nilsen, Ph.D.
Professor of Community Medicine
Linköping University (LiU), Sweden
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November 15, 2017: "Partnering to Develop and Pilot a Novel Method for Selecting and Tailoring Implementation Strategies"
Byron J. Powell, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, UNC Chapel Hill Dept. of Health Policy and Management

July 18, 2017: "Ethical Considerations in the Conduct of Dissemination and Implementation Health Research"
Nicole Stadnick, Ph.D., M.P.H.
Assistant Adjunct Professor, UC San Diego, Department of Psychiatry
Jessica Suhrheinrich, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, San Diego State University, Department of Special Education
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June 18, 2017: This seminar showcased research projects developed by doctoral students from the SDSU/UCSD Joint Doctoral Program in Public Health who completed UCSD School of Medicine’s course in implementation science.
Nicole Pepper, M.S.S.W., Sarah Clingan, M.A., Sandy Bohan, M.P.H., Angela Petersen, Ph.D., Kevin Cummins, B.S., M.S.

May 22, 2017: "Psychiatry In Low And Middle Income Countries (LMICs) And The Need For International Partnerships And Collaborations"
Dr. David M. Ndetei MBChB (Nairobi), DPM (London), MRC Psych,
FRC Psych, (UK), MD (Nairobi), DSc (Nairobi)
Certificate in Psychotherapy (Lond)
Professor of Psychiatry, University of Nairobi
Founding Director, Africa Mental Health Foundation, Nairobi, Kenya
Faculty and Collaborator, The Chester M. Pierce, MD Division of Global Psychiatry,
Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School

February 22, 2017:
This seminar included presentations from two visiting fellows in the Implementation Research Institute
"Utilizing Patient and Stakeholder Preferences for Implementation of Transdiagnostic Psychosocial Treatment"
Cassidy Gutner, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Boston University School of Medicine
Research Psychologist, National Center for PTSD, Women's Health Sciences Division

"Mental Health Policy Dissemination Research"
Jonathan Purtle, DrPH, MSc
Assistant Professor, Department of Health Management & Policy, Drexel University

January 23, 2017: "Cutting Through Complexity: Using Cross Study Comparison to Identify Common Factors Associated with Successful Implementation of Evidence Across Sectors"
Melanie Barwick, Ph.D., CPsych
Head, Child and Youth Mental Health Research Unit (CYMHRU), Psychiatry
Senior Scientist, Child Health Evaluative Sciences Research Institute
Leadership, SickKids Centre for Global Child Health, The Hospital for Sick Children
Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto
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November 22, 2016: "Improving the Implementation of Evidenced-Based Practices for Youth with ASD in Community-Based Mental Health Settings Through Addressing Executive Functioning"
Kelsey Dickson, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Scholar, UC San Diego, Dept. of Psychiatry

November 2, 2016:
"The impact of cancer on the patient-spouse relationship: Using mixed methods to assess the need for culturally sensitive approaches"
Jeanean Naqvi, B.A.
Research Associate, UC San Diego, Dept. of Psychiatry

"Identifying culturally relevant engagement methods utilized in children’s mental health interventions"
Tiffany Phu, Sc. B.
Research Assistant, UC San Diego, Dept. of Psychiatry

September 22, 2016: "Engagement in Clinical Research: Opportunities for Implementation Science"
Bridget Gaglio, M.P.H., Ph.D.
Senior Program Officer
Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI)
Department of Communication and Dissemination Research
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August 11, 2016: "Leadership Training to Improve Implementation and Transfer: Experiences From Two Swedish Projects"
Susanne Tafvelin, Ph.D.
Lic Psychologist, Procome Research Group
Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
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Anne Richter, Ph.D.
Lic Psychologist, Procome Research Group
Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
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July 11, 2016: "The adaptation and adherence dilemma in the evidence-to-practice pathway"
Henna Hasson, Ph.D.
Research Group Leader, Procome Research Group
Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
Ulrica von Thiele Schwarz, Ph.D.
Reg. Psychologist and Associate Professor
Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
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June 1, 2016: This seminar showcased research projects developed by two doctoral students from the SDSU/UCSD Joint Doctoral Program in Public Health who completed UCSD School of Medicine’s course in implementation science.
Jessica Hawks, M.P.H., MSW; Katy Sileo, M.P.H.

May 4, 2016: "Human-centered behavioral informatics: Opportunities for health research and translation"
Shrikanth Narayanan, Ph.D., Andrew J. Viterbi Professor of Engineering, University of Southern California
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April 21, 2016: "Multi-Level Examination of Program Manager and Therapist Attitudes towards Evidence-Based Practices within a Large Scale System Reform"
Nicole Stadnick, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Scholar, UC San Diego
Miya Barnett, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Scholar, UCLA
Jennifer Regan, Ph.D., Postdoctoral Scholar, UCLA
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January 8, 2016: "Introduction to UCSD’s Clinical & Translational Research Institute (CTRI)"
Howard Taras, MD, Professor, UC San Diego and Director of CTRI Community Engagement
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December 10, 2015: "Improving Services for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Translation Research from Efficacy Trials to Implementation Science"
Amy Drahota, Ph.D., Assistant Research Professor, San Diego State University

November 4, 2015: "Summarizing the National Academy of Sciences booklet, "On being a scientist: A guide to responsible conduct of research (3rd ed.)"
Amy Drahota, Ph.D., Assistant Research Professor, San Diego State University
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August 21, 2015: “Implementation of Services and Provider Training Interventions in Community Service Systems Caring for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder”
Amy Drahota, Ph.D., Assistant Research Professor, San Diego State University
Lauren Brookman-Frazee, Ph.D., Associate Professor, UC San Diego
Nicole Stadnick, Ph.D., M.P.H., Postdoctoral Scholar, UC San Diego

August 19, 2015: “Implementation Leadership: A Conceptual Framework for Health Care Managers”
Wendy Gifford, RN, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, University of Ottawa
Associate Director, Nursing Best Practice Research Center (NBPRC)

August 19, 2015: "Organizational Change and Interventions for Leader Training"
Henna Hasson, Ph.D.
Research Group Leader, Procome Research Group
Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
Ulrica von Thiele Schwarz, Ph.D.
Reg. Psychologist and Associate Professor
Karolinska Institutet, Sweden

July 29, 2015: "Implementation for Evidence-Based Intervention for Children with Autism in Schools"
Jill Locke, Ph.D.
Research Assistant Professor, University of Washington Autism Center
Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences

June 11, 2015: This seminar showcased research projects developed by five doctoral students from the SDSU/UCSD Joint Doctoral Programs in Public Health and Psychology who completed UCSD School of Medicine’s first course in implementation science.
Melawhy Garcia, M.P.H.; Eric Leas, M.P.H.; Claudia Rafful, M.S.; Michelle Takemoto, B.S.; & Stephanie Wells, B.A.

April 2, 2015: "Developing an Implementation Measurement Plan for a Peer Led Physical Activity Program in Community Centers Serving Older Adults"
Jacqueline Kerr, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Center for Wireless & Population Health Systems
Department of Family Medicine & Public Health, UC San Diego

February 20, 2015: "Investigating Strategies to Implement and Sustain an Evidence Based Psychotherapy for Adults with PTSD"
Shannon Wiltsey Stirman, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Boston University School of Medicine
Research Staff Psychologist, National Center for PTSD and VA Boston Healthcare System

August 20, 2014: "The Impact of Organizational Implementation Strategies on Evidence-Based Practice Adoption"
Nathaniel Williams, MSW, LCSW
Research Assistant Professor
University of Tennessee, Children's Mental Health Services Research Center

July 14, 2014: "Mixed-Methods Workshop"
Cathleen Willging, Ph.D.
Senior Research Scientist
Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation

April 25, 2014: "Implementation Research to Improve Cardiovascular Risk Factors for Adults with Serious Mental Illness"
Gail L. Daumit, MD
Associate Director, Welch Center for Prevention, Epidemiology and Clinical Research
Associate Professor of Medicine, Psychiatry, Epidemiology, Health Policy & Management and Mental Health, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Division of Internal Medicine

April 14, 2014: "Targeting High Risk People Who Inject Drugs in Vietnam: Mechanisms for Integrating HIV/MMT Services"
Vivian Go, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Epidemiology, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

April 2014, 2014: "Implementation Research on Evidence-Based Mental Health Interventions for War-Affected Youth"
Theresa S. Betancourt, Sc.D., M.A.
Associate Professor of Child Health and Human Rights, Department of Global Health and Population
Director, Research Program on Children and Global Adversity
Harvard School of Public Health

March 18, 2014: "Community-Based Implementation of Behavioral Activation Therapy for Dementia Caregivers"
Brent Mausbach, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Moores Cancer Center Patient and Family Support Services, UC San Diego

March 11, 2014: "Patient-Centered Research and Implementation of Evidence-Based Practices: Discussion and Review of an Application Under Development to PCORI"
Rachel Haine-Schlagel, Ph.D.
Research Assistant Professor
Department of Psychology, San Diego State University
Research Scientist, Child and Adolescent Services Research Center

February 13, 2014: "'If It's Worth My Time, I Will Make the Time': School-Based Providers' Decision-Making About Participating in an Evidence-Based Psychotherapy Consultation Program"
Blanche Wright, B.S.
Staff Research Associate
Department of Psychiatry, UC San Diego
Child and Adolescent Services Research Center

January 15, 2014: "Implementing Evidence-Based Practices in Philadelphia: Lessons from the City/Payer Perspective"
Matthew Hurford, MD
Chief Medical Officer/Special Advisor to the Commissioner
Philadelphia Department of Behavioral and Intellectual disAbility Services

December 5, 2013: "Applying Implementation Science Frameworks to the Development and Piloting of a Services Intervention"
Rachel Haine-Schlagel, Ph.D.
Research Assistant Professor
Department of Psychology, San Diego State University
Research Scientist, Child and Adolescent Services Research Center

Jonathan Martinez, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
San Diego State University

November 14, 2013: "The Conflict Between Effective and Efficient Fidelity Measurement"
Jordan Daylor, B.S.
Staff Research Associate
Department of Psychiatry, UC San Diego
Child and Adolescent Services Research Center

October 31, 2013: "Transformational and Strategic Leadership for EBP Implementation"
Gregory Aarons, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Psychiatry, UC San Diego
Director, Child and Adolescent Services Research Center

October 3, 2013: "Community-Academic Partnerships: A Systematic Review of the State of the Literature and Recommendations for Future Research"
Amy Drahota, Ph.D.
Research Assistant Professor
Department of Psychology, San Diego State University
Research Scientist, Child and Adolescent Services Research Center

September 19, 2013: "Research on Early Identification and Linkage to Services for ASD, a NIMH R01 proposal"
Lauren Brookman-Frazee, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Psychiatry, UC San Diego
Research Scientist, Child and Adolescent Services Research Center
Research and Training Director at the Autism Discovery Institute at Rady Children's Hospital-San Diego

August 22, 2013: "Dissemination and Implementation in Health, a NIMH R21 proposal"
Amy Drahota, Ph.D.
Research Assistant Professor
Department of Psychology, San Diego State University
Research Scientist, Child and Adolescent Services Research Center

August 8, 2013: "Research on Early Identification and Linkage to Services for ASD"
Lauren Brookman-Frazee, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Psychiatry, UC San Diego
Research Scientist, Child and Adolescent Services Research Center
Research and Training Director at the Autism Discovery Institute at Rady Children's Hospital-San Diego

July 25, 2013: "Implementation of Drug Use and HIV Prevention in Programs for Mentally Ill Youth"
Victoria D. Ojeda, Ph.D., M.P.H.
Assistant Professor
Division of Global Public Health, UC San Diego