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Department of Psychiatry Department of Psychiatry

CO-CREATE-Ex: Community-engaged Optimization of COVID-19 Rapid Evaluation And TEsting Experiences

Principal Investigator(s): Nicole Stadnick, Ph.D., MPH UC San Diego, Louise Laurent, Ph.D. UC San Diego, Borsika Rabin, Ph.D. UC San Diego

Other Collaborator(s): The Global Action Research Center, San Ysidro Health

In our Phase I RADx-UP project, UC San Diego partnered with San Ysidro Health, a federally qualified health center, and the Global Action Research Center, a social change organization, to co-create and demonstrate the impact of a PCR-based COVID-19 testing program in San Ysidro, one of the most impacted areas from COVID-19 in San Diego County. To date, we have tested >10,000 community members (92% Latino) and received requests to scale-out the testing program to additional primary care clinic sites. In this Phase III proposal, we will extend work with our Phase I community and clinical partners to refine, specify, implement, and evaluate an implementation strategy bundle that optimizes COVID-19 testing, expanding beyond current PCR testing to FDA-authorized COVID-19 rapid antigen testing.

Funding Information: NIMHD, U01, MD018308-01

Study time period: 2022 - 2024

NIH Reporter

Project Website

Scaling and Sustaining COVID-19 Vaccination through Meaningful Community Engagement and Care Coordination for Underserved Communities

Principal Investigators: Nicole Stadnick, Ph.D. UC San Diego, Borsika Rabin, Ph.D. UC San Diego,

Co-Investigators: Paul Watson, Global Action Research Center, Sharon Velasquez, San Ysidro Health

This proposal aims to test the effectiveness and implementation of technology-enhanced family navigation to promote early access to, and engagement in evidence-based mental health care for children (ages 5-13 years) with autism spectrum disorder plus mental health comorbidity.

Funding Information: NIMH, R34, 5R34MH120190-03

Study time period: 8/15/2020 - 6/30/2023


Scaling and Sustaining COVID-19 Vaccination through Meaningful Community Engagement and Care Coordination for Underserved Communities

Principal Investigator(s): Nicole Stadnick, Ph.D., MPH UC San Diego, Borsika Rabin, Ph.D. UC San Diego

Other Collaborator(s): The Global Action Research Center, San Ysidro Health

The goal of this study is to co-refine, test, and scale a multicomponent health program to address the multi-level barriers to vaccine uptake and engagement in primary and secondary preventative healthcare in immigrant, refugee, Latino, and Black, Indigenous People of Color (BIPOC) communities in San Diego.

Funding Information: NIMHD, R01, MD017222

Study time period: 2022 - 2027


Share, Trust, Organize, Partner: The COVID-19 California Alliance (STOP COVID-19 CA)

Principal Investigator(s): Nicole Stadnick, Ph.D., MPH UC San Diego, Borsika Rabin, Ph.D. UC San Diego

Other Collaborator(s): The Global Action Research Center

This is a California community engagement collaborative aimed at co-creating and evaluating community-driven strategies to increase participation of underserved communities in COVID-19 therapeutic trials.

Funding Information: NIMHD/NHLBI, OTA

Study time period: 2020 - 2024

Project Website