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Department of Psychiatry Department of Psychiatry

Other Training Facilities

Outpatient Psychiatry Services of Children's Hospital and Health Center

Children's Hospital and Health Center is the leading tertiary care center for children in San Diego County. The Outpatient Psychiatry Services is one of the major divisions of Children's Hospital. The staff at the outpatient psychiatry services includes child psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, pediatric consultants, psychiatric residents, and medical students.

Neurology Service

The Residency Training Program in Neurology was established in 1970 and is fully accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education. Training is offered in adult and pediatric neurology as well as neurologic subspecialties. Opportunities in neurology include: inpatient experience on the neurology ward, consultation service, and specialty outpatient clinics (Genetically Handicapped Persons Program for Neurologic Diseases, Stroke, Epilepsy, Dementia, Higher Cortical Function, Peripheral Nerve, and Movement Disorders Clinics). PGY1 residents spend two months as a part of the UCSD neurologic team. The rotation is coordinated by a behavioral neurologist. Senior residents can elect to spend further time as a consultant at a neurology clinic.

Mercy Hospital Medical Center

Mercy Hospital Medical Center is where most PGY-1s have 1 month of mercy inpatient medicine. The site was selected for the general medicine rotation on the basis of Mercy's outstanding reputation for its clinical care and clinical training and its proximity to the UCSD Medical Center. Mercy Hospital is a 520-bed, acute care inpatient facility, a Level I Trauma Center, and the site of the Mercy Clinic. A full range of tertiary care in internal medicine, surgery and surgical subspecialties, pediatrics and obstetrics, and gynecology is provided both inpatient and outpatient settings, with approximately 400 patients admitted to the internal medicine inpatient service each month.

Caseloads are carefully monitored and controlled for both breadth and a variety of experiences. Residents participate fully as inpatient physicians as one of two PGY1 members of a medicine ward team, supervised and taught by a senior internal medicine resident and two attending physicians. Additional consultative services are available in medical subspecialties at all times.

Rady Children's Hospital

Rady Children's Hospital Medical Behavioral Unit runs the only child and adolescent medical/psychiatric inpatient unit in San Diego County. The primary purpose of this unit is to provide multidisciplinary treatment to children and adolescents with comorbid medical and psychiatric conditions. The Medical Behavioral Unit is staffed by a combination of professionals with medical expertise and mental health and behavioral experience, including specialized experience with eating disorders. Staff includes nurses, social workers, licensed psychiatric technicians, dietitians and physicians from the hospital, adolescent medicine, and child psychiatry services.

UC San Diego Eating Disorders Center

UC San Diego Eating Disorders Center is a university-based, non-profit, Center of Excellence. In addition to our Research Program and our Treatment Program--we also have a thriving Training Program teaching researchers and clinicians at all stages of their schooling: post-bac research assistants, masters and doctoral practicum/externs students, masters and doctoral interns, post-doctoral fellows, dietary students, medical students, residents, and fellows.