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Department of Psychiatry Department of Psychiatry

Psychiatry Residency Training Program

Diversity & Inclusion

At UC San Diego we are committed to providing a diverse learning environment. We have a committed Diversity Committee and are committed to incorporating our focus on diversity to all aspects of our training program.



We believe that personal and program wellness are an essential piece of training. Physicians who are able to take care of themselves will be better providers for their patients and to each other. For this reason we have an extensive Wellness Curriculum, a Resident Wellness Committee, Retreats (yoga on the beach anyone!), and opportunities for personal psychotherapy while in training.


Seminars & Didactics

The core curriculum includes: didactic seminars, departmental Grand Rounds and Visiting Guest Lecturer series, specialty rounds (Resident Rounds, Wellness Rounds, Diversity and Inclusion Rounds, Departmental Case Conferences, Child Psychiatry Grand Rounds, Morbidity and Mortality Rounds), journal clubs, Psychiatry Boards preparation, and special seminars (Brief Dynamic Psychotherapy).

Didactic Schedule Other Seminars

Clinical Rotations

The core residency training program is rich, varied and innovative. We offer a variety of diverse clinical training experiences that include underserved, veteran, military, housing insecure, and immigrant populations from varied socioeconomic backgrounds. Clinical services provide state of the art evidence based treatments in multidisciplinary settings. Our department includes faculty with expertise in Trauma, Addictions, Eating Disorders, Maternal Mental Health, Early Psychosis, College Mental Health, Consult Liaison, Palliative Care, Psycho-oncology and evidence based psychotherapies to name a few! Residents are able to work 1:1 with our dedicated clinician educators where they are able to observe and be observed as they learn the art of psychiatry.

Clinical Rotations

Psychotherapy Supervision & Training

We are fortunate at UC San Diego to have Psychology faculty with expertise in the various evidence based psychotherapies (Trauma Focused, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Cognitive Training) who teach and supervise residents. In addition, the San Diego Psychoanalytic Institute works closely with our department, providing both teaching and supervision of psychodynamic therapy cases. Residents who are interested in further psychodynamic training can attend one of the programs offered by the psychoanalytic institute.

Psychotherapy Training Supervisory Experience


The Department of Psychiatry at UC San Diego is well known for it's depth of research and funding in basic, translational and clinical research. Residents are required to complete an Independent Study Project for graduation and we also offer a research track. For those who want further training in research, there are numerous fellowship opportunities.
