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Resource for Reporting and Confidential Counseling

At some point in your affiliation with the Department of Psychiatry or UC San Diego, you may encounter something in your lab, in the clinic, or in the department at large that gives you pause. This could be because the behavior seems to contradict a stated policy, because it results in you or others feeling marginalized or disparaged, or because you're uncertain how to start, maintain, or repair professional relationships. We are concerned about these situations and we want to help you find a solution and get the resources you need. If you find yourself in a situation like this, please use one or more of the resources listed below to register your concern.

We (the department and/or the university) also want to hear about things that concern you so that we can fix the problems, and your help in reporting concerning situations is vital to this process. We've all heard about the bystander effect and the thought that someone else must have already told the administration about a problem. It would be far better for us to receive 10 reports of the same concerning situation than zero. So if you find yourself in a concerning situation, we want you to feel supported and to know the resources at your disposal, and to choose any one or combination below that is most comfortable for you.

Who to contact in the Department

Chair, Z. Jeff Daskalakis. I am always open to hearing any concerns, suggestions, or challenges. 858-534-3684,

The Department of Psychiatry Conflict Resolution Advocate is available to faculty, trainees, and staff who would like assistance from an impartial advisor. We will work together to develop options to address your issues and concerns as they relate to the Department. Speaking with the Advocate is always as confidential as possible, with the exception of certain mandated reporting situations; no permanent records will be maintained. The conflict resolution process is independent from formal channels, protecting your identity and the confidentiality of shared information to the fullest extent possible. Please feel free to contact our Advocate, Dr. Elizabeth Twamley, at

Staff/Faculty Members: For faculty, members of the Cabinet are also available to give support and advice and point you to the appropriate resources. For trainees and graduate students, your training director would be the best person to speak with. If you do not feel comfortable speaking to anyone in the Department and/or you desire confidential help, please see the resources below.

It is important to note that, under University policy, all faculty are Responsible Employees and must report incidents of sexual harassment, sexual violence, or other prohibited behavior that are disclosed to them by a student, trainee, or supervisee. This report cannot be made anonymously. See Responsible Employees (PDF) from the Office for the Prevention of Harassment & Discrimination (OPHD) for more information.

Listed below are confidential and non-confidential methods of reporting.

  1. Confidential Reporting, Help, and Counseling

  2. For all in the UCSD community:
    Office of the Ombuds. A channel for confidential, neutral, and informal dispute resolution services for the UC San Diego Community. More information available here:  Call (858) 534-0777 to schedule an appointment.

    HEAR (Healer Education, Assessment and Referral Program) provides clinicians with confidential short-term consultation and support and counseling for individuals undergoing ACUTE STRESS OR CRISIS SITUATIONS. Following significant adverse (usually unexpected) events they provide ongoing support they offer bridge support while waiting for an initial appointment with a mental health provider. 

    CARE at the Sexual Assault Resource Center offers free and confidential services for students, staff and faculty impacted by SEXUAL ASSAULT, RELATIONSHIP VIOLENCE, AND STALKING. Email is:, and their telephone number is: 858-534-5793. On call 24-hours a day. If you have an emergency after hours or on the weekends and want to talk to CARE, please contact UC San Diego Police department and ask to speak to a CARE staff. The number is (858) 534-HELP.

    For registered graduate or undergraduate UCSD students: Counseling and Psychology Services (CAPS). CAPS provides FREE, confidential, PSYCHOLOGICAL COUNSELING AND CRISIS SERVICES for UCSD students. CAPS also provides a variety of groups, workshops, and drop-in forums. They have a reference library that may also be helpful, including information on student/advisor relationships. CAPS can see all currently registered students, undergraduates or graduates.

    SDSU Joint Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology: Program-specific information can be found in the Student Handbook's section titled "Where Do You Go When You Have A Problem, Question, Concern, or Complaint?" 

    All Other Training Programs: Refer to your training program manual / handbook and/or general information provided here.

    For faculty and staff:
    Faculty and Staff Assistance Program (FSAP). The Faculty and Staff Assistance Program is a confidential service designed to help all campus employees and the members of their immediate household resolve concerns that may be affecting personal well-being and/or job performance. 

    Faculty Peer Mediation Program can assist in any interpersonal conflict between faculty that does not require formal reporting (e.g. does not involve a violation of university policy or federal or state law) and has not been filed as a formal grievance with another administrative unit (e.g. Research Affairs or Academic Senate). Both parties should have a stake in resolving the matter. Mediation is a form of dispute resolution in which a neutral mediator facilitates a discussion between parties who have a disagreement and assists them in identifying a mutually acceptable resolution. The process is confidential, informal, and strictly voluntary. It also promotes understanding and joint problem-solving. Call (858-246-1923).

    For VA employees only - the VA Employee Assistance Program offers confidential service to resolve concerns that may be affecting personal well-being and/or job performance. VA EAP can be reached by phone: (800) 225-2527.

  3. Non-Confidential Options for Reporting and Resolution

    Office for the Prevention of Harassment & Discrimination (OPHD). OPHD works to resolve complaints of discrimination and harassment through formal investigation or alternative resolution.  OPHD's main phone line is (858) 534-8298 and their email is To make an online report of bias, harassment, or discrimination, please visit Reports can be made anonymously, but you are encouraged to give contact information for a more effective response by OPHD. Resolution of complaints by OPHD takes a range of forms depending on the stage and severity of the incident, including education programs, reassignments, and/or a formal investigation.

    NOTE that faculty who become aware of workplace sexual assault or harassment involving any student/trainee or involving a staff or faculty member over whom you have supervisory authority MUST report the incident to OPHD; as a Responsible Employee, you cannot promise or keep confidentiality! Once a report is made, the victim can determine whether or not to respond to OPHD queries, and OPHD will try to respect confidentiality to the degree possible. Threats, intimidation or retaliation for making reports is a violation of law and UC policy. There is no statute of limitations on reporting; however, prompt reporting is encouraged to facilitate an effective response.

    Whistleblower Hotline. An anonymous avenue "for reporting possible fraud such as misuse of assets, potential false billings, conflict of interest, or other compliance issues." The University of California hotline is (800) 403-4744. 

    Other non-confidential resources. UCSD Campus Police (858) 534-HELP (4357) and the Office of Student Conduct (858) 534-6225.

    The goal here is to provide you a variety of resources, in the event they become useful to you. All of these resources are FREE and we encourage you to take advantage of any relevant resources with the goal of improving your quality of life in the Department and the University and resolving any conflicts to help you reach your full potential.

    Other helpful resources you may wish to keep handy:

    Emergency - 911
    UCSD Campus Police - (858) 534-HELP (4357)
    Triton Concern Line - only for faculty and staff use when there is a student of concern - (858) 246-1111
    Student Health Services (SHS) - (858) 534-3300
    Office of Student Conduct - (858) 534-6225
    Student Policies and Judicial Affairs - (858) 534-6225
    Office for Students with Disabilities - (858) 534-4382
    International Center (858) 534-3730
    Women's Center (858) 822-0074
    Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Resource Center (858) 822-3493
    Cross-Cultural Center (858) 534-9689
    Veterans Resource Center (858) 534-5080
    Raza Resource Centro (858) 822-0072
    Black Resource Center (858) 534-0471

    In the Community:
    San Diego Access and Crisis Line: (888) 724-7240
    National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255
    National Sexual Violence Resource Center:
    California Coalition Against Sexual Assault:

    If you find any inaccuracies, missing information, or broken links, please help us keep the page up-to-date by emailing Christine Smith.