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Publications 1998–2012
View list of selected publications by CASRC investigators and staff between 1998–2012 below. Publications are sorted in alphabetical order by author last name.
- Aarons, G.A., Cafri, G., Lugo, L., & Sawitzky, A. (2012). Expanding the domains of attitudes towards evidence-based practice: The Evidence Based Practice Attitude Scale-50. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 39(5), 331-340.
- Aarons, G.A., Fettes, D.L., Sommerfeld, D.H., & Palinkas, L.A. (2012). Mixed Methods for Implementation Research: Application to Evidence-Based Practice Implementation and Turnover in Community Based Organizations Providing Child Welfare Services. Child Maltreatment, 17(1), 67-79.
- Aarons, G.A., Green, A.E., Palinkas, L.A., Self-Brown, S.R., Whitaker, D.J., Lutzker, J.R., Silovsky, J.F., Hecht, D. B., & Chaffin, M. J (2012). Dynamic Adaptation Process to Implement an Evidence-Based Child Maltreatment Intervention. Implementation Science, 7(32), 1-9.
- Aarons, G. A., Glisson, C., Green, P. D., Hoagwood, K., Kelleher, K. J., Landsverk, J. A., & Research Network on Youth Mental Health. (2012). The organizational social context of mental health services and clinician attitudes toward evidence-based practice: a United States national study. Implementation Science, 7(1), 56.
- Aarons, G. A., Miller, E. A., Green, A. E., Perrott, J. A., & Bradway, R. (2012). Adaptation happens: a qualitative case study of implementation of the incredible years evidence-based parent training program in a residential substance abuse treatment program. Journal of Children's Services, 7(4), 233-245.
- Aarons, G.A. & Sommerfeld, D.H. (2012). Leadership, Innovation Climate, and Attitudes toward Evidence-Based Practice during a Statewide Implementation. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 51(4), 423-431.
- Aarons, G.A., Green, A.E., & Miller, E.A. (2012) Researching readiness for implementation of evidence-based practice: A comprehensive review of the Evidence-Based Practice Attitude Scale (EBPAS). In D. Perkins & B. Kelly (Eds.), Cambridge Handbook of Implementation Science for Educational Psychology.
- Aarons, G.A., Horowitz, J.D., Dlugosz, L.R., & Ehrhart, M.G. (2012). The role of organizational process in dissemination and implementation. In R. Brownson, G. Colditz, E. Proctor (Eds.), Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health: Translating Science to Practice. New York: Oxford University Press.
- Baker-Ericzén, M. J. (2012). Early Intervention for Children/Youth with Asperger Syndrome. In DuCharme, R., Gullotta, T. P., & Moyer, S. Asperger Syndrome Volume II: A Guide for Professionals and Families. New York: Springer.
- Baker-Ericzén, M. J., Connelly, C. D., Hazen, A. L., Dueñas, C., Landsverk, J. A., & Horwitz, S. M. (2012). A collaborative care telemedicine intervention to overcome treatment barriers for Latina women with depression during the perinatal period. Families, Systems, & Health, 30(3), 224.
- Bender, M., Connelly, C. D., Glaser, D., & Brown, C. (2012). Clinical nurse leader impact on microsystem care quality. Nursing Research, 61(5), 326-332.
- Brookman-Frazee, L. I., Drahota, A., & Stadnick, N. (2012). Training community mental health therapists to deliver a package of evidence-based practice strategies for school-age children with autism spectrum disorders: A pilot study. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 42(8), 1651-1661.
- Brookman‐Frazee, L., Stahmer, A. C., Lewis, K., Feder, J. D., & Reed, S. (2012). Building a research‐community collaborative to improve community care for infants and toddlers at‐risk for autism spectrum disorders. Journal of Community Psychology, 40(6), 715-734.
- Brookman-Frazee, L., Baker-Ericzén, M., Stadnick, N., & Taylor, R. (2012). Parent perspectives on community mental health services for children with autism spectrum disorders. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 21(4), 533-544.
- Brookman-Frazee, L., Drahota, A., Stadnick, N., & Palinkas, L. A. (2012). Therapist perspectives on community mental health services for children with autism spectrum disorders. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 39(5), 365-373.
- Brookman-Frazee, L. I., Drahota, A., & Stadnick, N. (2012). Training community mental health therapists to deliver a package of evidence-based practice strategies for school-age children with autism spectrum disorders: A pilot study. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 42(8), 1651-1661.
- Buchanan, R., Chamberlain, P., Price, J. M., & Sprengelmeyer, P. (in press). Moving fidelity monitoring from an outer to an inner Context: A preliminary analysis of fidelity over two generations of cascading implementation. Children and Youth Services Review.
- Bunger, A. C., Chuang, E., & McBeath, B. (2012). Facilitating mental health service use for caregivers: Referral strategies among child welfare caseworkers. Children and Youth Services Review, 34(4), 696-703.
- Chamberlain, Price, Reid & Landsverk. (in press). Cascading implementation of a foster parent intervention: partnerships. Logistics, transportability, and sustainability. Child Welfare.
- Chuang, E., Dill, J., Morgan, J. C., & Konrad, T. R. (2012). A configurational approach to the relationship between high‐performance work practices and frontline health care worker outcomes. Health Services Research, 47(4), 1460-1481.
- Camacho, A., Ng, B., Bejarano, A., Simmons, A., & Chavira, D. (2012). Crisis visits and psychiatric hospitalizations among patients attending a community clinic in rural Southern California. Community Mental Health Journal, 48(2), 133-137.
- Drahota, A., Aarons, G., Stahmer, A. (2012). Developing the autism model of implementation for autism spectrum disorder community providers: Study Protocol. Implementation Science, 7, 85.
- Faller, M. S., Gates, M. G., Georges, J. M., & Connelly, C. D. (2012). On the move: Exploring the perceptions of travel nursing. Nursing Management, 43(7), 42-47.
- Fettes, D.L. & Aarons, G.A. (2011). Smoking Behavior of Youths in the USA: A Comparison between Child Welfare System and Community Populations. American Journal of Public Health, 101(12), 2342-2348.
- Garland, A.F., Haine-Schlagel., R., Accurso, E.C., Baker-Ericzen, M.J., & Brookman-Frazee, L. (2012). Exploring the effect of therapists' treatment practices on client attendance in community-based care for children. Psychological Services, 9(1), 74-88.
- Ghafoori, B., Barragan, B., Tohidian, N., & Palinkas, L. (2012). Racial and ethnic differences in symptom severity of PTSD, GAD, and depression in trauma‐exposed, urban, treatment‐seeking adults. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 25(1), 106-110.
- Gilmer, T. P., Ojeda, V. D., Fawley-King, K., Larson, B., & Garcia, P. (2012). Change in mental health service use after offering youth-specific versus adult programs to transition-age youths. Psychiatric Services, 63(6), 592-596.
- Goldhaber-Fiebert, J. D., Bailey, S. L., Hurlburt, M. S., Zhang, J., Snowden, L. R., Wulczyn, F., ... & Horwitz, S. M. (2012). Evaluating child welfare policies with decision-analytic simulation models. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 39(6), 466-477.
- Gonzalez, A., Weersing, V. R., Warnick, E., Scahill, L., & Woolston, J. (2012). Cross-ethnic measurement equivalence of the SCARED in an outpatient sample of African American and non-Hispanic white youths and parents. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, 41(3), 361-369.
- Haine-Schlagel, R., Brookman-Frazee, L., Fettes, D. L., Baker-Ericzén, M. J., & Garland, A. F. (2012). Therapist focus on parent involvement in community-based youth psychotherapy. Journal of Child & Family Studies, 21, 646-656.
- Hawthorne, W.B., Folsom, D.P, Sommerfeld, D.H., Lanouette, N.M., Lewis, M., Aarons, G.A., Conklin, R.M., Solórzano, E. & Jeste, D.V. (2012). Incarceration of Adults in the Public Mental Health System: Rates, Risk Factors, and Short Term Outcomes. Psychiatric Services, 63(1), 26-32.
- Horwitz, S. M., Hurlburt, M. S., Heneghan, A., Zhang, J., Rolls-Reutz, J., Fisher, E., ... & Stein, R. E. (2012). Mental health problems in young children investigated by US child welfare agencies. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 51(6), 572-581.
- Ho, J., Yeh, M., McCabe, K.M, & Lau, A.S. (2012). Perceptions of the acceptability of parent training among immigrant Chinese parents. Behavior Therapy, 43, 436-449.
- Holloway, I. W., Traube, D. E., Rice, E., Schrager, S. M., Palinkas, L. A., Richardson, J., & Kipke, M. D. (2012). Community and individual factors associated with cigarette smoking among young men who have sex with men. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 22(2), 199-205.
- Horwitz, S. M., Hurlburt, M. S., Goldhaber-Fiebert, J. D., Heneghan, A. M., Zhang, J., Rolls-Reutz, J., ... & Stein, R. E. (2012). Mental health services use by children investigated by child welfare agencies. Pediatrics, 130(5), 861-869.
- Horwitz, S. M., Hurlburt, M. S., Heneghan, A., Zhang, J., Rolls-Reutz, J., Fisher, E., ... & Stein, R. E. (2012). Mental health problems in young children investigated by US child welfare agencies. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 51(6), 572-581.
- Horwitz, S. M., Hurlburt, M. S., Farmer, & Zhang, J. (in press). The patterns and predictors of mental health services use by children in contact with the child welfare system, Child Welfare and child wellbeing: New perspectives from the National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-Being, edited by MB Webb, K.Dowd, BJ Harden, J. Landsverk, MF Testa.
- Ingram, R., & Price, J.M. (2012). Handbook of vulnerability to psychopathology across the life-span, 2nd edition, Guilford Publishing, Inc.
- James, S., Zhang, J., Landsverk, J., (2012). Residential care for youth in the child welfare system: Stop-gap options or not? Residential Treatment for Children & Youth, 29, 48-65.
- Lambros, K. M., & Barrio, C. (2012). Mental health interventions with Latino students in multi-cultural school environments: A framework for assessing biases and developing cultural competence. In C. Franklin, M. Harris & P. Allen-Meares (Eds.), The School Services Sourcebook: A Guide for School-Based Professionals (2nd Edition). New York: Oxford University Press.
- Landsverk J, Brown CH, Chamberlain P, Palinkas LA and Horwitz SM. (2012). Design and analysis in dissemination and implementation research.In Brownson RC, Colditz GA., Proctor EK, (Eds.), Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health: Translating Science to Practice. New York: Oxford University Press.
- Lang, A. J., Wilkins, K., Roy-Byrne, P. P., Golinelli, D., Chavira, D., Sherbourne, C., ... & Stein, M. B. (2012). Abbreviated PTSD Checklist (PCL) as a guide to clinical response. General Hospital Psychiatry, 34(4), 332-338.
- Lindamer, L. A., Liu, L., Sommerfeld, D. H., Folsom, D. P., Hawthorne, W., Garcia, P., ... & Jeste, D. V. (2012). Predisposing, enabling, and need factors associated with high service use in a public mental health system. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 39(3), 200-209.
- Litrownik, A.J. (2012). A longitudinal perspective on mental health services for foster youth: Continued risk and the challenge of chaotic caregiving environments. American Psychological Association: CYF News, Winter 2012, 17-19.
- McCabe, K. M.,Yeh, M., Lau, A. S., & Argote, C. B. (2012). Parent Child Interaction Therapy for Mexican Americans: Results of a Pilot Randomized Clinical Trial 6 to 24 Months Post-treatment. Behavior Therapy, 43, 606-618.
- Nedjat-Haiem, F. R., Lorenz, K. A., Ell, K., Hamilton, A., & Palinkas, L. (2012). Experiences with advanced cancer among latinas in a public health care system. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 43(6), 1013-1024.
- Nedjat-Haiem, F. R., Carrion, I. V., Ell, K., & Palinkas, L. (2012). Navigating the advanced cancer experience of underserved Latinas. Supportive Care in Cancer, 20(12), 3095-3104.
- Mathews, C. A., Badner, J. A., Andresen, J. M., Sheppard, B., Himle, J. A., Grant, J. E., ... & Hanna, G. L. (2012). Genome-wide linkage analysis of obsessive-compulsive disorder implicates chromosome 1p36. Biological Psychiatry, 72(8), 629-636.
- Palinkas LA, and Soydan H. (2012). Translation and implementation of evidence based practice. New York: Oxford University Press.
- Palinkas, L. A. (2012). A conceptual framework for understanding the mental health impacts of oil spills: Lessons from the Exxon Valdez oil spill. Psychiatry, 75(3), 203-222.
- Palinkas, L.A. & Soydan, H. New horizons of translational research and research translation in social work. Research in Social Work Practice, 22, 85-92
- Price, J. M., Roesch, S. C., & Walsh, N. E. (2012). Effectiveness of the KEEP foster parent intervention during an implementation trial. Children and Youth Services Review, 34(12), 2487-2494.
- Proctor, L. J., Aarons, G. A., Dubowitz, H., English, D. J., Lewis, T., Thompson, R., ... & Roesch, S. C. (2012). Trajectories of maltreatment re-reports from ages 4 to 12: Evidence for persistent risk after early exposure. Child Maltreatment, 1077559512448472.
- Ramsawh, H. J., Chavira, D. A., Kanegaye, J. T., Ancoli-Israel, S., Madati, P. J., & Stein, M. B. (2012). Screening for adolescent anxiety disorders in a pediatric emergency department. Pediatric Emergency Care, 28(10), 1041.
- Ramsawh, H., Chavira, DA, & Stein, MB. Phenomenology and epidemiology of social phobia, in The American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Anxiety Disorders, 2nd edition.
- Ringle, J. L., Huefner, J. C., James, S., Pick, R., & Thompson, R.W. (2012). 12-month follow-up outcomes for youth departing and integrated residential continuum of care. Children and Youth Services Review, 34(4), 675-679.
- Rutkowski, E., & Connelly, C. (2012) Self -efficacy and physical activity in adolescent and parent dyads. Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing, 17(1), 51-60.
- Schneiderman JU, Hurlburt MS, Leslie LK, Zhang J, Horwitz SM. (2012). Child, caregiver, and family characteristics associated with emergency department use by children who remain at home after a child protective services investigation. Child Abuse Neglect, 36(1), 4-11.
- Schneiderman JU, Leslie LK, Hurlburt MS, Zhang J, Horwitz SM. (2012). Caregiver reports of serious injuries in children who remain at home after a child protective services investigation. Maternal Child Health Journal, 16(2), 328-35.
- Schreibman, LE, Suhrheinrich, J., Stahmer, AC & Reed, S., (2012). Translating evidence-based practices from the laboratory to schools: Classroom pivotal response teaching. In P. Mundy and A. Mastergeorge (Eds.), Educational Interventions for Students with Autism. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
- Schuler, J., Weiss, N.T., Chavira, D.A., McGough, J.J., Berrocal, M., Sheppard, B., ...& Mathews, C.A. (2012). Characteristics and co-morbidity of ADHD sib pairs in the Central Valley of Costa Rica. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 53, 379-86.
- Brookman-Frazee, L., Baker-Ericzén, M., Stadnick, N., & Taylor, R. (2012). Parent perspectives on community mental health services for children with autism spectrum disorders. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 21(4), 533-544.
- Thompson, R., Litrownik, A.J., Isbell, P., Everson, M.D., English, D.J., Dubowitz, H., Proctor, L.J., & Flaherty, E.G. (2012). Adverse experiences and suicidal ideation in adolescence: Exploring the link using the LONGSCAN samples. Psychology of Violence, 2, 211-225.
- Thompson, R., Wiley, T.R.A., Lewis, T., English, D.J., Dubowitz, H., Litrownik, A.J., Isbell, T., & Block, S. (2012). Links between traumatic experiences and expectations about the future in high risk youth. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 4, 293-302.
- Trask, E. V., & Garland, A. F. (2012). Are children improving? Results from outcome measurement in a large mental health system. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 39(3), 210-220.
- Traube, D.E., James, S. & Zhang, J. Landsverk, J. (2012). A national study of risk and protective factors for substance use among youth in the child welfare system. Addictive Behaviors, 37(5), 641-650.
- Villodas, M. T., Litrownik, A. J., Thompson, R., Roesch, S. C., English, D. J., Dubowitz, H., ... & Runyan, D. K. (2012). Changes in youth's experiences of child maltreatment across developmental periods in the LONGSCAN consortium. Psychology of Violence, 2(4), 325.
- Wagner K, Davidson PJ, Pollini RA, Strathdee SA, and Palinkas LA. (2012). Reconciling incongruous qualitative and quantitative findings in mixed methods research: Exemplars from research with drug using populations. International Journal of Drug Policy, 23, 54-61.
- Weersing, VR, & Brent, DA. (2012). Treating adolescent depression with individual CBT in Evidence-based Psychotherapies for Children and Adolescents, 2nd edition.
- Weisz, J. R., Chorpita, B. F., Palinkas, L. A., Schoenwald, S. K., Miranda, J., Bearman, S. K., ... & Research Network on Youth Mental Health. (2012). Testing standard and modular designs for psychotherapy treating depression, anxiety, and conduct problems in youth: A randomized effectiveness trial. Archives of General Psychiatry, 69(3), 274-282.
- Wells, R., & Chuang, E. (2012). Does formal integration between child welfare and behavioral health agencies result in improved placement stability for adolescents engaged with both systems? Child Welfare, 91(1), 79.
- Wu Q., and Palinkas, LA. (2012). Social capital and psychosocial adjustment of migrant children in China: The role of children’s personal agency. In C.C. Yi (Ed.), The psychological Well-being of East Asian Youth: From Early Adolescence to Young Adulthood. New York, NY: Springer.
- Aarons, G.A., Hurlburt, M., & Horwitz, S.M. (2011). Advancing a conceptual model of evidence-based practice implementation in public service sectors. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 38(1), 4-23.
- Accurso, E. C., Taylor, R. M., & Garland, A. F. (2011). Evidence-based practices addressed in community-based children's mental health clinical supervision. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 5(2), 88.
- Chamberlain, P., Snowden, L. R., Padgett, C., Saldana, L., Rolls, J., Holmes, L., et al. (2011). A strategy for assessing costs of implementing new practices in the child welfare system: Adapting the English cost calculator in the United States. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 1-8.
- Faller, M. S., Gates, M. G., Georges, J. M., & Connelly, C. D. (2011). Work-related burnout, job satisfaction, intent to leave, and nurse-assessed quality of care among travel nurses. Journal of Nursing Administration, 41(2), 71-77.
- Green, A. E., Bekman, N. M., Miller, E. A., Perrott, J. A., Brown, S. A., & Aarons, G. A. (2011). Parental awareness of substance use among youths in public service sectors. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 72(1), 44.
- Guo, Chow, & Palinkas (2011). Circular migration and life course of female domestic workers in Beijing
- Horwitz, S. M. C., Hurlburt, M. S., Cohen, S. D., Zhang, J., & Landsverk, J. (2011). Predictors of placement for children who initially remained in their homes after an investigation for abuse or neglect. Child Abuse & Neglect, 35(3), 188-198.
- James, S. (2011). What works in group care?—A structured review of treatment models for group homes and residential care. Children and Youth Services Review, 33(2), 308-321.
- Landsverk, J., Brown, C., Rolls Reutz, J., Palinkas, L., & Horwitz, S. (2011). Design Elements in Implementation Research: A Structured Review of Child Welfare and Child Mental Health Studies. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 1-10.
- Landsverk, J., Garland, A., Rolls Reutz, J., & Davis, I. (2011). Bridging science and practice in child welfare and children’s mental health service systems through a two-decade research center trajectory. Journal of Social Work, 11(1), 80.
- Lee, E. L., Wilsie, C. C., & Brestan-Knight, E. (2011). Using Parent-Child Interaction Therapy to develop a pre-parent education module. Children and Youth Services Review, 33(7), 1254-1261.
- Leslie, L., Raghavan, R., Hurley, M., Zhang, J., Landsverk, J., & Aarons, G. (2011). Investigating geographic variation in use of psychotropic medications among youth in child welfare. Child Abuse & Neglect, 35(5), 333.
- Leslie, L. K., Raghavan, R., Zhang, J., & Aarons, G. A. (2011). Rates of Psychotropic Medication Use over Time among Youth in Child Welfare/Child Protective Services. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology, 20(2), 135-143.
- McGee, E., Valentine, C., Schulte, M. T., & Brown, S. A. (2011). Peer victimization and alcohol involvement among adolescents self-selecting into a school-based alcohol intervention. Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse, 20(3), 253-269.
- Novins, D. K., Aarons, G. A., Conti, S. G., Dahlke, D., Daw, R., Fickenscher, A., ... & Spicer, P. (2011). Use of the evidence base in substance abuse treatment programs for American Indians and Alaska natives: Pursuing quality in the crucible of practice and policy. Implementation Science, 6(1), 63.
- Oberlander, S. E., Wang, Y., Thompson, R., Lewis, T., Proctor, L. J., Isbell, P., ... & Black, M. M. (2011). Childhood maltreatment, emotional distress, and early adolescent sexual intercourse: Multi-informant perspectives on parental monitoring. Journal of Family Psychology, 25(6), 885.
- Ojeda, V. D., Robertson, A. M., Hiller, S. P., Lozada, R., Cornelius, W., Palinkas, L. A., ... & Strathdee, S. A. (2011). A qualitative view of drug use behaviors of Mexican male injection drug users deported from the United States. Journal of Urban Health, 88(1), 104-117.
- Palinkas, L., Aarons, G., Horwitz, S., Chamberlain, P., Hurlburt, M., & Landsverk, J. (2011). Mixed Method Designs in Implementation Research. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 38, 41-53.
- Palinkas, L. A., Horwitz, S. M., Chamberlain, P., Hurlburt, M. S., & Landsverk, J. (2011). Mixed-Methods Designs in Mental Health Services Research: A Review. Psychiatric Services, 62(3), 255.
- Palinkas, L. A., & Soydan, H. (2011). New horizons of translational research and research translation in social work. Research on Social Work Practice, 1049731511408738.
- Proctor, E., Silmere, H., Raghavan, R., Hovmand, P., Aarons, G., Bunger, A., ... & Hensley, M. (2011). Outcomes for implementation research: conceptual distinctions, measurement challenges, and research agenda. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 38(2), 65-76.
- Rose, R. D., Lang, A. J., Welch, S. S., Campbell-Sills, L., Chavira, D. A., Sullivan, G., ... & Craske, M. G. (2011). Training primary care staff to deliver a computer-assisted cognitive–behavioral therapy program for anxiety disorders. General Hospital Psychiatry, 33(4), 336-342.
- Rutkowski, E. M., & Connelly, C. D. (2011). Obesity risk knowledge and physical activity in families of adolescents. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 26(1), 51-57.
- Schoenwald, S. K., Garland, A. F., Chapman, J. E., Frazier, S. L., Sheidow, A. J., & Southam-Gerow, M. A. (2011). Toward the effective and efficient measurement of implementation fidelity. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 38(1), 32-43.
- Schoenwald, S. K., Garland, A. F., Southam‐Gerow, M. A., Chorpita, B. F., & Chapman, J. E. (2011). Adherence measurement in treatments for disruptive behavior disorders: Pursuing clear vision through varied lenses. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 18(4), 331-341.
- Schuler, Weiss, Chavira, McGough, Berrocal, Sheppard, Vaglio, Herrera, & Mathews (2011). Characteristics and co-morbidity of ADHD sib pairs in the Central Valley of Costa Rica
- Stahmer, A. C., Akshoomoff, N., & Cunningham, A. B. (2011). Inclusion for toddlers with autism spectrum disorders: The first ten years of a community program. Autism, 1362361310392253.
- Stahmer, A. C., Brookman-Frazee, L., Lee, E., Searcy, M. K., & Reed, M. S. (2011). Parent and multidisciplinary provider perspectives on earliest intervention for children at risk for autism spectrum disorders. Infants and Young Children, 24(4), 344-363.
- Stahmer, A. C., Schreibman, L., & Cunningham, A. B. (2011). Toward a technology of treatment individualization for young children with autism spectrum disorders. Brain Research, 1380, 229-239.
- Stahmer, A. C., Suhrheinrich, J., Reed, S., Schreibman, L., & Bolduc, C. (2011). Classroom Pivotal Response Teaching for Children with Autism: The Guilford Press.
- Stein, M. B., Yang, B. Z., Chavira, D. A., Hitchcock, C. A., Sung, S. C., Shipon-Blum, E., & Gelernter, J. (2011). A common genetic variant in the neurexin superfamily member CNTNAP2 is associated with increased risk for selective mutism and social anxiety-related traits. Biological Psychiatry, 69(9), 825-831.
- Suhrheinrich, J. (2011). Training Teachers to Use Pivotal Response Training With Children With Autism Coaching as a Critical Component. Teacher Education and Special Education: The Journal of the Teacher Education Division of the Council for Exceptional Children, 34(4), 339-349.
- Trask, E. V., Walsh, K., & DiLillo, D. (2011). Treatment effects for common outcomes of child sexual abuse: A current meta-analysis. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 16(1), 6-19.
- Troester, M., Haine‐Schlagel, R., Ng, Y. T., Chapman, K., Chung, S., Drees, C., ... & Kerrigan, J. F. (2011). EEG and video‐EEG seizure monitoring has limited utility in patients with hypothalamic hamartoma and epilepsy. Epilepsia, 52(6), 1137-1143.
- Villodas, M. T., Litrownik, A. J., & Roesch, S. C. (2011). Latent classes of externalizing behaviors among youth with early maltreatment histories. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 0748175611423536.
- Wagner, K. D., Lankenau, S. E., Palinkas, L. A., Richardson, J. L., Chou, C. P., & Unger, J. B. (2011). The influence of the perceived consequences of refusing to share injection equipment among injection drug users: Balancing competing risks. Addictive Behaviors, 36(8), 835-842.
- Wu, Q., Palinkas, L. A., & He, X. (2011). Social capital in promoting the psychosocial adjustment of Chinese migrant children: Interaction across contexts. Journal of Community Psychology, 39(4), 421-442.
- Aarons, G.A., Cafri, G., Lugo, L., & Sawitzky, A. (2010, epub ahead of print). Expanding the Domains of Attitudes Towards Evidence-Based Practice: The Evidence Based Practice Attitude Scale-50 (EBPAS-50). Administration and Policy in Mental Health.
- Aarons, G.A., Garland, A.G., Covert, J., Skriner, L.C., Marto, D., Green, A., & Landsverk, J. (2010, epub ahead of print). The Eye of the Beholder: Youths and Parents Differ on What Matters in Mental Health Services. Administration and Policy in Mental Health.
- Aarons, G.A., Glisson, C., Hoagwood, K., Kelleher, K., Landsverk, J., Cafri, G., & The Research Network on Children’s Mental Health. (2010). Psychometric Properties and United States National Norms of the Evidence-Based Practice Attitude Scale (EBPAS). Psychological Assessment, 22(2), 356-365, 365a.
- Aarons, G. A., James, S., Monn, A. R., Raghavan, R., Wells, R. S., & Leslie, L. K. (2010). Behavior problems and placement change in a national child welfare sample: A prospective study. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 49(1), 70-80.
- Akshoomoff, N., Stahmer, A.C., Corsello, C., & Mahrer, N.E. (2010). What happens next? Follow-up from the Children’s Toddler School Program. Journal of Positive Behavioral Interventions, 12, 245-253
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- Tapert, S.F., Stewart, D.G., & Brown, S.A. (1999). Drug abuse in adolescence. In Goreczny, A.J., & Hersen, M. (Eds), Handbook of Pediatrics and Adolescent Health Psychology. Allyn & Bacon, Needham Heights, Mass., pp.161-178.
- Wagner, E.F., Brown, S.A., Monti, P., Myers, M.G., & Waldron, H.B. (1999). Innovations in adolescent substance abuse intervention. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 23(2), 236-249.
- Yeh, M. & Weisz, J.R. (1999). Parent-child major problem agreement at mental health clinic entry. In J. Willis, C. Liberton, K. Kutash, & R. Friedman (Eds.), The 11th Annual Research Conference Proceedings, A System of Care for Children's Mental Health: Expanding the Research Base, March 8-11, 1998, pp. 373-377. University of South Florida, Tampa, FL.
- Brown, S.A., Myers, M.G., Lippke, L.F., Stewart, D.G., Tapert, S.F. & Vik, P.W. (1998). Psychometric evaluation of the customary drinking and drug use record (CDDR): A measure of adolescent alcohol and drug involvement. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 59(4), 427-439.
- Brown,S.A., Carrello, Vik, P.W., & P.D., Porter, R.J. (1998). Changes in alcohol and self-efficacy and alcohol expectancies during addiction intervention. Substance Abuse, 19(4), 155-167.
- Chartier, M.J., Hazen, A.L., & Stein, M.B. (1998). Lifetime patterns of social phobia: A retrospective study of the course of social phobia in a non-clinical population. Depression and Anxiety, 7, 113-121.
- Clausen, J.M., Landsverk, J., Ganger, W., Chadwick. D., & Litrownik, A. (1998). Mental health problems of foster children in three California counties. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 7, 283-296.
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- Myers, M.G., Stewart, D.G., & Brown, S.A. (1998). Progression from conduct disorder to antisocial personality disorder following treatment for adolescent substance abuse. The American Journal of Psychiatry, 155(4), 479-485.
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- Stewart, D.G., & Brown, S.A. (1998). Antisocial behavior and psychoactive substance involvement among hispanic and non-hispanic caucasian adolescents in substance abuse treatment. Journal of Child and Adolescent Substance Abuse 6(4), 1-22.
- Stice, W., Myers, M.G. & Brown, S.A. (1998). A longitudinal grouping analysis of adolescent substance use escalation and de-escalation. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 1(12), 14-27.
- Stice, E., Myers, M.G., & Brown, S.A. (1998). Relations of delinquency to adolescent substance use and problem use: A prospective study. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 12(2), 136-146.
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- Tapert, S.F. & Brown, S.A., (1998). Alcohol and other drug withdrawal in neuropsychological functioning of youth. Abstracted in Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 22(3), 52A.
- Vik, P.W., & Brown, S.A. (1998). Life events and substance abuse during adolescence. In T.W. Miller (Ed.),Children of trauma: Stressful life events and their effect on adolescents. International University Press, Inc., pp. 179-205.
- William, R.G., Stein, L.D., Leslie, L.K. (1998). Training pediatricians for the evolving generalist/specialist interface in the managed care era. Pediatrics, 101, 779-784.
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