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Department of Psychiatry Department of Psychiatry

Join the PEARL Team

Research Assistants (RAs)

Current Opportunities

  • Independent Study Credit: This position may be used for PSYC99 or PSYC199 credit after one quarter of volunteering in the lab. For more information on these courses, go to UCSD Psychology Undergraduate Research Programs. Other departments may be eligible for independent studies.
  • Volunteer Research Assistants: If you are interested in the research here at PEARL, but do not have the desire to receive independent study credit, you are still eligible to apply as a Research Assistant. The requirement guidelines below still apply.

About the RA Opportunity

Our goal is to create a rich, hands-on learning experience for students and volunteers. Thus, we endeavor to involve students in many aspects of the research process, taking into account the student’s prior experiences and skill set.


  • Interacting with research participants
  • Study conceptualization, design, and implementation (e.g., conducting literature searches, developing research questions and hypotheses; helping to develop assessment tools and programming tasks)
  • Conducting telephone interviews
  • Flyering for participant recruitment
  • Running participants through experimental protocols
  • Acting as a study confederate
  • Assisting at MRI scans
  • Behavioral coding of observational data
  • Data entry, organization, and management
  • Data analysis, interpretation of findings, and preparation of results for presentations or publication (primarily for advanced students with prior experience)


  • One calendar year commitment
  • Minimum 12 in-person hours per week (including summer)
  • Be organized and reliable
  • Have a positive attitude 

How to Apply

PEARL is currently hiring new research assistants on a rolling basis! 

If this is something you are interested in getting involved with, please email an RA Application, Resume/CV, and Cover Letter (including information about yourself and why you are interested in the position) to our lab coordinator:

Marissa Larkin

(858) 534-6428

Also, please read the following articles before coming in for an interview:

Graduate Students

Dr. Taylor supervises students through the SDSU/UCSD Clinical Psychology Joint Doctoral Program.

Check back for more information as to whether he will be accepting students for the upcoming academic year (2024–2025).


Dr. Taylor is not currently looking to recruit a postdoc.

Check back for updates or email Dr. Taylor