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Current Studies

Interested in participating in one of our studies?

We are currently recruiting for one study.

Cannabidiol (CBD) Anxiety Study

Are you Shy? Feel Anxious In Social Situations? Worry About Being Judged or Evaluated by Others?

You may be eligible for a study examining how cannabidiol (CBD) affects biological and stress responses believed to underlie anxiety disorders. We are looking for people ages 18 to 70 who are experiencing feelings of social anxiety.

The study involves:

  • Clinical interviews & questionnaires
  • Computer & behavioral tasks
  • Blood Draws & ECG
  • Taking CBD or Placebo for 3 days
  • Compensation for participation


Study procedures:

Participation in this study will involve an initial screening visit with a clinical interview and medical assessment to determine if you are eligible. If you are eligible, you will be asked to complete a baseline session and a post-test session 4 days later. Each session will involve completing questionnaires, vital signs, a blood draw, and computerized and behavioral tasks. At the end of the baseline visit, you will be randomly assigned to receive one of two doses of cannabidiol (CBD) or placebo (an inactive substance), which you will take twice daily for 3 days. The total time commitment for this study ranges from 9 to 12 hours over 3 visits scheduled within 2 weeks. You will be compensated for your time.

After you complete the day 4 post-test session from the main study, you will have the option to participate in a brief (three-week) behavioral intervention for social anxiety. You will be asked to complete additional questionnaires. Next, you will be presented with educational material about behaviors that contribute to social anxiety as well as strategies for changing those behaviors that have been shown in prior research to reduce anxiety. In addition, you will continue to take the study drug (CBD) or placebo for 3 more weeks.


If interested, please fill out this brief pre-screen to determine your initial eligibility! If the pre-screen shows that you are initially eligible for our research study, please be sure to follow the instructions listed to provide your contact information. 

Social Connections Study

This study will begin recruitment soon. Please check back here for more info.