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Department of Psychiatry Department of Psychiatry

Diversity Resources

Below are resources for those interested in pursuing further information about diversity related issues, organizations, and funding opportunities.

Community Organizations

In honor of BIPOC Mental Health Month, the Serving Underrepresented and Low Income Clients Workgroup of the UC San Diego Psychiatry Diversity Committee has compiled a list of community organizations that offer mental health services, education, and/or resources specifically targeted for BIPOC communities in San Diego County.

Organization Community Served Resources
​United Women of East Africa (UWEAST) ​East African women and youth Preventative and behavioral health education
Union of Pan Asian Communities (UPAC) Union of Pan Asian Communities (UPAC) Counseling and addiction treatment and recovery, Community wellness clinic
License to Freedom ​Refugee and immigrant survivors of domestic abuse Counseling services, domestic violence treatment program
Operation Samahan ​Low-income Filipinos/Asians and other low income families in San Diego County Community health center that provides health and mental health services
​Kalusugan Community Services ​Filipino American community and others ​Community health center providing mental health services, and social programs
​Somali Family Service of San Diego (SFS) Somali Education and access to mental health services
National Latino Behavioral Health Association Latin American Resources, education
​Therapy for Latin Americans ​Latin American ​Latin American provider directory for mental health services
Psychology Today ​Latin American Latin American provider directory for mental health services
​Asian Mental Health Collective ​Asian ​Provider directory, community resources
San Diego American Indian Health Center Native American Counseling, addiction treatment, spiritual support
​Union of Pan Asian CommunitiesHuman Rights Campaign – QTBIPOC Mental Health and Well-Being BIPOC QTBIPOC Mental Health Resources

Health Sciences and other UC San Diego Resources

Disability Resources

Disability and Accommodations

Disability & Accommodation Specialist Facilitate:

  • Temporary work accommodation requests
  • Permanent work accommodation requests
  • Religious/strongly held belief accommodation requests
  • Medical separations
  • All employees are entitled to reasonable accommodations, regardless of appointment status, includes job applicants
Tammie Haugen, CPDM
Interim Manager
Worker's Compensation & Disability Management
T: 619-543-3309

Managing Microaggressions

Below is a list of resources for responding to microaggressions, as shared in the microaggressions trainee panel webinar jointly hosted by Hispanic Neuropsychological Society, Asian Neuropsychological Association, and Society for Black Neuropsychology on Jan. 26, 2021. Additional resources shared by Dr. Kiara Wesley are also included.

Funding and Award Opportunities

Professional Organizations

Scientific Meetings