T32 - Biopsychiatry and Neuroscience
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Applicants may be in the process of finishing their doctoral degree when they apply to the program, but must complete all requirements for their degree before joining the Fellowship.
Successful applicants in our program hold either a PhD, MD, or MD-PhD combined degree. We encourage MD applicants who are interested in research to apply. Our program directly supports fellows toward establishing their academic career.
Our program is committed to promoting the inclusion and success of individuals from historically underrepresented backgrounds in academic medicine. We strive to foster a supportive and inclusive environment for trainees representing all aspects of diversity (including, but not limited to race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, disability, and religion). We enthusiastically encourage candidates from diverse backgrounds to apply.
Within our Department, the programs of investigation include basic and clinical neuroscience. Basic studies in animal models include programs in neuropharmacology, ion channel physiology, behavioral genetics, regulation of neural gene expression, and brain development.
Studies in the etiology of mental illness include programs investigating neurobiological and genetics of major psychiatric disorders. Our program offers opportunities to learn new methods of understanding psychiatric epidemiology, genetic transmission in diverse populations, physiological and neurobiological basis of psychiatric disorders. Several investigators in the Department approach these problems through modern neuroimaging methods including fMRI and SPECT.
Clinical psychiatry research is also available, and they include the development of novel psycho- pharmacological treatments for the major psychiatric disorders, studies of psychosis and psychiatric medications in the aging, neuroendocrine effects on mood disorders, and a program in psychosomatic medicine examining the mechanisms by which behavioral factors influence mental health.
The minimum salary is NIH postdoctoral scale, but supplementation is frequently available and is negotiated with individual research mentors.