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Department of Psychiatry Department of Psychiatry

Medical School Electives


PSY 229: Exploring Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

The scope of this educational experience is to gain an introduction to the field of child and adolescent psychiatry. In this course, students will learn about mental health and wellness. The focus of the course will not be on mastering all diagnoses within the field of child and adolescent psychiatry but to begin to appreciate the importance of mental health within youth development in a cultural sensitive and curious way. Students will actively learn, process and dialogue during the course. Course topics may include: Wellbeing, Trauma, Cultural Sensitivity, ADHD and Autism, Youth Voice, Suicide and Hope, Empathy and Compassion among others.

PSY 227: School Mental Health Literacy

This educational experience will give medical students the opportunity to learn about youth mental health and engage with youth in the community. Students will first learn about the importance of youth mental health and then research, adapt, and/or create an interactive workshop on youth mental health to be delivered during the Elective.  In this learning opportunity, students will gain an introduction to youth mental health and also be empowered to follow their interests, dive deeply into topics of best practice mental health education and engaging youth in talking about their own mental health, and develop language to talk about mental health and create a safe environment for others to do the same. Through this process, students will become more confident in advocating for youth mental health awareness. This Elective will be individualized by allowing students to work closely with the Course Director to find and discuss resources, including existing lessons, readings, and studies, which will allow the student to be supported in developing their own active teaching strategies and ways to meet the needs of a classroom/youth community group.