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Department of Psychiatry Department of Psychiatry

Community Service System Workgroups

The IN STEP Center's “Community Service System Workgroups” inform community-partnered research to improve services for youth with mental health or developmental needs. The four workgroups represent key service systems caring for youth (e.g. schools, specialty mental health services, child welfare services, and pediatric healthcare services). Each workgroup is comprised of service system organization leaders, service providers, community members (parents, self-advocates) with first-hand experience with services, and researchers conducting community-partnered research in these service settings. The workgroups meet two to four times per year to do the following: 

  1. Identify priorities for annual IN STEP pilot project funding. 
  2. Foster collaborations between community service system partners and researchers with shared interests to launch new projects. 
  3. Refine and disseminate IN STEP resources to support services. 
  4. Facilitate ongoing IN STEP research projects conducted in each service system.