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Department of Psychiatry Department of Psychiatry

IN STEP Center Mock NIH Application Reviews

The IN STEP Center offers mock grant reviews upon request for NIH applications proposing research consistent with the Center mission. The goal of the NIH-style mock grant review is to provide feedback on applications prior to grant submission. IN STEP Center mock grant reviews are appropriate for grant applications that have a focus on children's mental health services, dissemination and implementation science, and/or team effectiveness implementation research. Mock grant review requests are open to NIH training (F and K series, Diversity Supplements) and research (R series) mechanisms. 

Mock Grant Review Timeline

  • >60 days prior to submission deadline: Applicants will be asked to complete an online request form linked below and submit their Specific Aims page. 
  • 45 days prior to submission deadline: If the request is deemed appropriate, the applicant will be notified. Additional grant application sections must be submitted to the IN STEP Center at this point. See below for more details. 
  • 30 days prior to submission deadline: A mock grant review will be scheduled. 
  • 1 week after the mock review takes place: Participant will receive written critiques from reviewers. 

Request a Mock Grant Review

To request an IN STEP Center mock grant review, please complete the Mock Grant Review Request Form. The form will ask questions about you and your application. It will take approximately 5 minutes to complete.  

What to Expect After Submitting your Mock Grant Review Request

The details of your mock review request will be reviewed by the IN STEP leadership team. Please note that the IN STEP team requires 7-10 business days to review and respond to requests. Priority will be placed on applications based on the following: 

  1. Training grants – F31, F32, Diversity Supplements, and K series Career Development Awards 
  2. First R01 and other R series (e.g., R21, R34) applications. 
  3. Applications with a focus on dissemination and implementation science, children's mental health services, and team effectiveness research. 

If deemed appropriate, the applicant will be asked to submit additional grant application sections for the mock review. All materials must be emailed to the IN STEP Center ( 45 days prior to the grant submission deadline. These materials include the following:  

  • Specific Aims (updated, if applicable) 
  • Research Strategy 
  • PI-biosketch 
  • Funding Opportunity Announcement  
  • For applicants preparing training/fellowship grant applications, the following materials must also be submitted 45 days prior to the grant submission deadline: 
    • Training plan (e.g., Goals for Career Development, Goals for Fellowship Training and Career) 
    • Personal statement and scientific biography (e.g., Candidate Information, Doctoral Dissertation and Research Experience) 

*Submitting a mock review request is not a guarantee that we will be able to facilitate one.*