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Department of Psychiatry Department of Psychiatry

Exploring Psychological Safety in Racially/Ethnically Diverse School Mental Health Teams 

Awardees: Sara Chung, PhD., UC San Francisco, and Yesenia Mejia, PhD. UC San Diego 

Co-Investigator(s): Lauren Haack, PhD., Lauren Brookman-Frazee, PhD., and Linda Pfiffner, PhD. 

Specific Aims 

  1. Measure observed team psychological safety in diverse school mental health (SMH) teams with Asian American (AA) and Latin caregiving team members. 
  2. Examine the convergent and predictive validity of the psychological safety observational measure (PSOM) in diverse SMH teams implementing an Evidence-based theory (EBT). 
  3. Examine qualitative data on caregiving team members’ perception of psychological safety in SMH teams to contextualize results.