UC San Diego Wellness Initiative for Senior Enrichment (WISE) Lab
Mission Statement: Worldwide increases in life expectancy, accompanied by greater dementia burden, have brought many challenges for the healthcare system and the quality of life of older adults and their families. Without a treatment or cure for dementia in the horizon, efforts have focused on prevention to maintain health before symptoms of dementia manifest. The ultimate goal of the WISE lab is to promote healthy brain and cognitive aging by developing novel behavioral interventions (i.e., exercise, diet). We use mobile health technologies (i.e., accelerometry, remote heart rate tracking) to objectively measure behaviors and better characterize their associations with markers of brain health, as well as to measure intervention adherence. We also employ state-of-the-art brain imaging techniques to assess markers of brain health (i.e., brain perfusion). Our vision is to promote successful aging by focusing on prevention and leveraging technology to deliver novel interventions.
Ongoing Research Studies
Lab Members

Email: WISElab@health.ucsd.edu
Phone: (858) 822-7737
Center for Wireless and Population Health Systems
University of California, San Diego
9500 Gilman Dr. MC: 0811
La Jolla, CA 92093-0811