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Current UCSD Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Fellows

We could not possibly be any prouder of our UCSD Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Fellows!!! While their accomplishments and accolades are stellar, it is their empathy, compassion, humanity, dedication, humility, honesty, passion, integrity, courage, patience, optimism, high moral standards, and interpersonal strengths that make them truly special and unique human beings. They work tirelessly to take care of our underserved youth and families, who often have nowhere else to turn.

Fellows, you inspire us as faculty to be the best versions of ourselves!

First Year Fellows


Ari Azani, M.D.

(Traditional Track)

Dr. Ari Azani has been deeply committed to health equity and disparities, social justice, community service, and supporting underserved communities throughout his career, and thus is a recipient of the University of Washington Service Learning Award. While in medical school, Dr. Azani served as a member of the Latino Medical Student Association, which extended support to students in not only Seattle, but also Spokane, Wyoming, Idaho, and Montana. Dr. Azani has also served at a free medical clinic, where part of his responsibilities included translating for Spanish-speaking families. He also championed a support program for under-represented minority applicants through the Office of Admissions, and even measured the effectiveness of the program via pre/post data. Dr. Azani has also excelled when it comes to research, amassing 10 scholarly products and serving as both an NIH Academy Fellow and an NIH Research Fellow. Lastly, Dr. Azani has utilized the power of written word and poetry as a healing force in medicine. Dr. Azani’s letter writers wrote, “He quickly became one of my favorite residents! Rather than taking a judgmental or reductionistic stance, he remained curious about the experiences of his patients, creating detailed formulations that take into account pathology, psychopharmacology, and psychosocial factors. All the while, he is an absolute joy to teach and is a great mentor to medical students because his interpersonal style is fun and creative.”  Go, Dr. Azani!



Ebram Estafanous, D.O.

(Traditional Track)

 Dr. Abram Estafanous came to UCSD Medical Center/Rady Children’s Hospital for an away rotation in April of 2023 and so thoroughly impressed our faculty and fellows with his tireless work ethic and dedication, stellar interpersonal skills, and humanistic qualities that we offered him our only pre-match position this past year (typically reserved for internal UCSD residents only)! Throughout the course of this year and through many subsequent meetings with Abram, our confidence in this decision has only grown and grown. He currently serves as Chief Resident of Psychiatry for his residency program and is on the Medical Educator Track. He is also an Associate Editor for the American Journal of Psychiatry Residents’ Journal and received a Distinction in Psychiatry Award in medical school. He received a Community Health Silver Award for approximately 100 hours of service in medical school. Our very own faculty wrote that Dr. Estafanous “instantly became an essential member of our treatment team, working incessantly to master our electronic health record within a week so that he could contribute as much as possible. His work ethic is unwavering, his patient care is of the utmost quality, he has an undeniable and influential impact on both the members of our team and the children and families who he serves.” Go, Dr. Estafanous!



Jessica Kuo, D.O.

(Community Track)

Dr. Jessica Kuo was the recipient of not one, not two, but three TOUCH Awards in medical for her extraordinary volunteer efforts! She spent over 200 hours volunteering at a crisis text line and participated in the Health Outreach Through Medicine and Education program as an organizer for student run healthcare clinics at a transitional homeless shelter (Central Arizona Shelter Service). She also tutored underserved children, volunteered at a food pantry,  served as Coordinator of her Residency Wellness Committee, and served as President of her Asian Pacific Medical Student Association chapter. Dr. Kuo is a member of the Sigma Sigma Phi honorary organization for academically gifted medical students, and as Academic Senior for her residency program she coordinates lectures, a PRITE Review Course, journal club, a simulation lab, and grand rounds presentations. Like many of her classmates, Dr. Kuo has a creative side, and when she isn’t teaching her cat new tricks, she can be found crocheting amigurumis and running marathons. Dr. Kuo’s letter writers stated that she “lights up any room and carries a positive attitude that exemplifies compassion and trustworthiness. She has a “spongelike” desire to learn…truly it is unusual to be so self-driven towards learning and exploration at her stage, and then to effortlessly excel masterfully in all areas. She is the ideal applicant, effortlessly rises to managing patients with attending-level complexity, and hear clinical prowess easily surpassed her level of training.” Go, Dr. Kuo!



Kelvin Ngo, M.D.

(Traditional Track)

Like many of his incoming classmates, Dr. Kelvin Ngo is certainly a humanitarian at heart. On his interview day, he impressed us with his maturity, grounded nature, and an emotional and mental depth that is quite rare at his stage of training.  During the COVID-19 pandemic, he supported local homeless populations who were hit especially hard. As a resident, he organized toy drives for children who were hospitalized on the inpatient child and adolescent psychiatric unit so that they could remain connected to the holiday, their families, and the community. He has also served as a palliative care volunteer to help patients and their families find meaning in their remaining time through baking, decorating, playing music, and making cards. In addition, he served as a peer mentor for underserved, socioeconomically disadvantaged, and minoritized children. He remains interested in working with minorities (including LGBTQIA+ patients and families), youth with developmental disabilities, and within patient-centered systems of care. Dr. Ngo’s letter writers reported that Ngo “is that rare resident who makes my job much easier. He has been without a doubt the most diligent resident of the year and is functioning well above his level of training. His evaluations have been glowing. I was taken aback when patients would ask if they could be transferred to Dr. Ngo’s care after a mere 5 minutes in his presence!” Go, Dr. Ngo!



Heather Miura, M.D.

(Community Track)

Aloha! Dr. Heather Miura may be the only applicant who is actually downgrading in weather by moving to San Diego from the great state of Hawaii =) She, like her peers, is a humanitarian at heart, as evidenced by her induction into the Gold Humanism Honor Society. She gained valuable experience as a psychiatric technician at the Hawaii State Psychiatric Hospital for over a year prior to transitioning to medical school. She served as both the manager and junior attending at a free clinic for the Hawaii Houseless Outreach and Medical Education (HOME) Project. This experience also included organizing school supply donations for houseless youth and supporting them through holidays. Dr. Miura has also served as a PBL tutor for medical students and as Treasurer and Secretary of the Hawaii Psychiatric Medical Association, and also as a Co-President and Mentor for her department’s Mentorship Program. Lastly, Dr. Miura served as Health and Wellness Co-Chair for her residency program, and organized a number of activities and initiatives to appreciate her peers and colleagues, including organized efforts in qi-gong. She has amassed 9 scholarly products to date. Dr. Miura’s letter writers expressed that, “In full disclosure, we are doing everything we can to recruit her to our department as both a fellow and a future attending! She works with the highest degree of diligence and care.  Attendings consistently applaud her dedication and willingness to go above and beyond – even when she is off of her shift! E Como Mai, Dr. Miura!



Jennifer Yoo, M.D.

(Traditional Track)

Dr. Jen Yoo comes to our fellowship program with a wealth of experience and accomplishments! Global mental health has been a longstanding focus for Dr. Yoo. In addition to starting a global health interest group and being involved in the Global Medical Missions Alliance, she also served at a free health clinic in Tijuana for large numbers of underserved patients and families through an organization called Healing Hearts Across Borders. She was also recognized as a Fulbright Scholar Semifinalist for her work in Finland, where she received a Master’s Degree in Translational Medicine. Dr. Yoo is also an advocate at heart, serving as Co-Chair of Advocacy for the California medical Association House of Delegates and as an official Recovery Mentor through the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa.  She also worked with intellectually disables youth and their families to facilitate inclusion, and has amassed 14 scholarly products thus far! Dr. Yoo’s letter writers commented on the fact that she “stands out regarding her outstanding work ethic and exceptional diagnostic acumen. When she is on service, you can rest assured as an attending that the patients will receive nothing but the absolute best. Her medical decision-making skills are clearly far above her level of training. She has an insatiable thirst for knowledge, and very thoughtfully and intentionally involves families in care.” Go, Dr. Yoo!

Second Year Fellows


Chetan Bhat, M.D. (Doximity)

(Traditional Track)

Dr. Chetan Bhat is a first year UCSD Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Fellow who is one of only two fellows nationwide to receive the prestigious American College of Psychiatrists Child PRITE Fellowship Award! While serving as a Chief Resident of Psychiatry, he has been working on obtaining a Master’s Degree in Education for Health Professionals at Johns Hopkins University. Dr. Bhat is also a recipient of a Department of Psychiatry Excellence in Resident Mentorship Award. Dr. Bhat’s supervisors commented that “Dr. Bhat is one of the strongest residents I have worked with to date, and he is easily in the top 10% of trainees with whom I have worked." Go Dr. Bhat!



Nina Bihani, M.D. (LinkedIn)

(Research Track)

Dr. Nina Bihani is a first year UCSD Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Fellow who recently received the American Academy of Developmental Medicine’s National Inclusive Curriculum for Health Education in Intellectual Disabilities Grant Award ($15,000). She is a staunch LGBTQIA+ advocate, and has amassed 22 scholarly products and 17 presentations in a very short time! She has served as an editor for American Journal of Psychiatry periodicals, is an APA Public Psychiatry Fellow, and serves on both the AACAP Autism and Intellectual Disabilities and Committee on Medical Students and Residents. Dr. Bihani’s supervisors commented that “Dr. Bihani is one of the most dedicated residents I have worked with in over 10 years of academic medicine.” Go Dr. Bihani!



Kayla Chory, D.O., M.S. (Doximity)

(Traditional Track)

Dr. Kayla Chory is a first year UCSD Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Fellow who obtained a Master’s Degree at Drexel University prior to serving as a Chief Resident of Psychiatry. She was also the recipient of the prestigious Arnold P. Gold Foundation Scholarship Award for Humanism in Medicine. Her volunteer efforts supported mental health care for underserved families living 200% below the poverty line, as well as homeless and near-homeless youth and families. She is also our first year Call Committee representative. Dr. Chory’s supervisors commented that “Dr. Chory is among the top chief residents with whom I have ever worked over the past several decades.” Go Dr. Chory!



James "Harrison" Collins, M.D., M.S.

(Community Track)

Dr. James “Harrison” Collins is a first year UCSD Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Fellow who obtained a Master’s Degree at University of South Florida prior to serving in a Chief Resident-adjacent role. Dr. Collins is a fierce advocate and ally for LGBTQIA+ youth and families. He is a recipient of the prestigious Gold Humanism Honor Society Award, and has served rural under-resourced youth and families, youth advisory boards, and free mental health clinics. Dr. Collins’ supervisors have commented that “Dr. Collins is our strongest resident. He is one of the most enthusiastic, spectacular, and passionate trainees that we’ve had, and has an immensely positive impact on our program.” Go Dr. Collins!



Suzie Hong, D.O. (Doximity)

(Traditional Track)

Dr. Suzie Hong is a first year UCSD Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Fellow who obtained a Master’s Degree from Boston University prior to working closely with the Nevada Psychiatric Association in residency. In addition to serving as Vice President for her AMA Medical Student Section, Dr. Hong has actively engaged her community through police Crisis Intervention Team trainings, underserved youth suicide prevention workshops, early childhood literacy projects, and peer support work. She has amassed 9 scholarly products, including a Best Poster Award. Dr. Hong’s supervisors commented that “Dr. Hong is a model resident! She is one of the most talented residents with whom I have ever worked.” Go Dr. Hong!



Melanie Tam, M.D., M.S. (Doximity)

 (Traditional Track)

Dr. Melanie Tam is a first year UCSD Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Fellow who obtained a Master’s Degree from Harvard University prior to serving as an APA SAMHSA Minority Fellow and on the AMA Committee on Global Health. Her humanitarian efforts include work with UNICEF and the Clinton Health Access Initiative. Dr. Tam has amassed 12 scholarly products, and has also provided hands-on support to soup kitchens, free clinics, and children’s art programs. Dr. Tam’s supervisors have commented that “Dr. Tam is an exceptionally outstanding resident who is a role model for other trainees and functions at the level of an attending. She is hardworking, diligent, proactive, and breaks through barriers.” Go Dr. Tam!