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Department of Psychiatry Department of Psychiatry

How to Apply Through ERAS

We will accept applications through Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS) starting in mid-July of the recruitment year. 

The University of California San Diego Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Fellowship Program typically offers a total of 6 child and adolescent psychiatry fellowship positions per match year. This includes 4 Traditional Track positions and 2 Community Track positions. 

Please apply as early as possible! When viewing our program in ERAS, please select the tracks to which you would like to apply. Interviews are granted on a rolling basis and spots fill up quickly. Applying to both the Traditional Track and the Community Track increases the chances of receiving an interview. Please see application and admission requirements below. 

The following is our program's ERAS information:

ACGME ID4050521014

Program Name: University of California (San Diego) Medical Center Program

SpecialtyChild and Adolescent Psychiatry (Psychiatry)

Please reach out to us if you would like to be considered for a pre-match position with our program prior to July 1st of your recruitment year. 

Ranking Our Tracks

Please feel free to rank any and all tracks that interest you! Be sure to register with NRMP for the match well in advance of the rank deadline (the system typically opens in October, and ranking typically opens in November). Also be sure to double check your rank order list prior to certifying it. 

Track NRMP Codes:

Traditional Track: 1049405F0

Community Track: 1049405F1


National Resident Matching Program
2450 N Street NW
Washington, DC 20037‒1127
Ph: (202) 862‒6077

Application Requirements

A completed ERAS application consists of:

  • Completed ERAS Application with Photo
  • Curriculum Vitae/Resume
  • Program Director Report of Performance Form: The applicant's Program Director or Associate Program Director must fill this form out and submit it directly to Sabina Perez at in order for the applicant to receive an interview. Forms sent by applicants will not be accepted. 
  • Program Director's Attestation Form: Please have the applicant's Program Director submit this form with their Letter of Recommendation. Copies of the form are available on the ERAS website, and can be e-mailed by our program on request. Attestation Forms must document successful completion of Clinical Skills Verification exams during general psychiatry residency (3 CSVs must be completed prior to fellowship in order to be ranked to match in our program). 
  • Personal Statement 
  • Medical School Performance Evaluation (MSPE)
  • Medical School Transcript: International Medical Graduates must also include ECFMG Certificate, and their medical school must be eligible for licensure in the State of California.
  • USMLE Scores (I, II, III) and/or COMLEX I, II, and III Scores: Applicants who have not successfully passed STEP III/COMLEX III may not be interviewed and will not be ranked until a passing score is received.
  • Medical School Diploma: Please scan and e-mail a copy to Sabina Perez at
  • Three to Four Letters of Recommendation: Please submit letters electronically using ERAS. One letter must be from the applicant's Program Director, and at least one should be from a Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist. 

Admission Requirements

Preferred Experience

We require that all applicants have completed three years of General Psychiatry Residency training in the United States. Clinical experience in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry experience in residency is strongly encouraged. Clinical experience within the United States is preferred within the last 2 years. International Medical School graduates are advised to contact the Medical Board of California to request licensure application material. Refer to the "International Medical School Graduate Application Process" for further information.

All residents must be licensed in California prior to commencing the residency in child and adolescent psychiatry. All residents should contact the Medical Board of California and/or the Osteopathic Medical Board of California to determine eligibility for licensure.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, contact Sabina Perez:

Sabina Perez
Program Administrator 

Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
University of California San Diego
3020 Children's Way, Mail Code 5018
San Diego, CA 92123‒4426