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Youth Services Survey (YSS)

YSS Overview

The Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) is continuing its evaluation system for Children, Youth and Families Behavioral Health Services (CYFBHS). The collection of measures will occur annually or bi-annually, during a one-week period. Information will be collected from parents/caregivers and youth (13 years and older) on satisfaction with services and service impact.

The assessment tools, which are the Youth Services Survey for Youth (YSS-Y) and the Youth Services Survey for Families (YSS-F), were chosen by the state and are to be completed on every child that receives services during the data collection period. All mental health services are included except for inpatient services, juvenile hall services, and crisis services. All of the items are to be completed directly by the parent/caregiver or youth.


Quick Reference

Administered to all parents/caregivers regardless of the youth's age AND all youth 13 years and older who receive billable services during the YSS period.

Age Youth Parent/Caregiver
0–12 years X
13–17 years X X
18+ (still in CYFBHS) X


Important Dates

  • YSS Material Distribution: Links and guidance documents below
  • YSS Administration Training: Asynchronous webinar below
  • YSS Data Collection: May 20 - May 24, 2024
  • Electronic Survey Submission Deadline: Tuesday, May 28 @ 11:59pm
  • Paper Survey Submission: Thursday, May 30 @ 10am - 1pm (Appointment Required)

Please make sure respondents have privacy when filling out forms.



YSS will be administered both electronically (online) and in paper form.


Spring 2024 YSS Materials and Links