"Nature and quality of the emotional bonds of friendship, liking, caring, and closeness among group members, which reflects a general preference for spending time with those with whom one shares an emotional bond." (MacCoun, 1993, p. 157)
Key References
Barrick, M. R., Stewart, G. L., Neubert, M. J., & Mount, M. K. (1998). Relating member ability and personality to work-team processes and team effectiveness. Journal of Applied Psychology, 83(3), 377–391. https://doi.org/10.1037/0021-9010.83.3.377
Addressed the importance of social cohesion on team outcomes due to its relationship with multiple team process factors (team conflict, viability, communication, etc.).
Review of construct defintions of social cohesion construct defintion on the group and individual level and suggests expansion of research surrounding social networks.
Carron, A. V., Colman, M. M., Wheeler, J., & Stevens, D. (2002). Cohesion and Performance in Sport: A Meta Analysis. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 24(2), 168-188. https://doi.org/10.1123/jsep.24.2.168
Meta-analysis of studies using the GEQ to measure task, social, and nondescript cohesion in sports. Results suggested the cohesion-performance relationship has a cyclical nature such that cohesion (task and social) influences performance and performance in turn influences future cohesion.
Key Measurements
Carron, A. V., Widmeyer, W. N., & Brawley, L. R. (1985). The development of an instrument to assess cohesion in sport teams: the Group Environment Questionnaire. Journal of Sport Psychology, 7(3), 244–266. https://doi.org/10.1123/jsp.7.3.244
Carron et al 1985 Group Envirnoment Questionnaire (GEQ): primarily adapted for team use, 18 item survey.
Recent Articles
Schiefer, D., & van der Noll, J. (2016). The Essentials of Social Cohesion: A literature review. Social Indicators Research, 132(2), 579–603. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11205-016-1314-5.
Reviews literature on recent approaches to social cohseion.
Defines three dimensions of social cohesion: social relations, identification with geographical unit, and orientation towards common good.
Chuang, Y.C., Chuang, K.Y., & Yang, T.H. (2013). Social Cohesion Matters in health. International Journal for Equity in Health, 12(1), 87. https://doi.org/10.1186/1475-9276-12-87
Examines the concept of social cohesion in individual health care.
Novy, A., Swiatek, D. C., & Moulaert, F. (2012). Social Cohesion: A conceptual and political elucidation. Urban Studies, 49(9), 1873–1889. https://doi.org/10.1177/0042098012444878
Clarifies the concept of social cohesion in the context of socioeconomic developement.