Process Conflict
"Disagreements among group members about the logistics of task accomplishment, such as the delegation of tasks and responsibilities" (de Wit et al., 2012, p. 360)
Key References
- Greer, L. L., Jehn, K. A., & Mannix, E. A. (2008). Conflict Transformation. Small Group Research, 39(3), 278–302.
- Reported that, when occurring in the early phase, process conflict had the greatest extended negative effects on team interaction in comparison to relationship and task.
- Behfar, K., Mannix, E. A., Peterson, R. T., & Trochim, W. M. K. (2011). Conflict in Small Groups: The Meaning and Consequences of Process Conflict. Small Group Research, 42(2), 127–176.
- Conducted three small group studies to explore process conflict and distinguish it from task conflict.
- Developed a new scale exclusively for process conflict to remove issues of discriminate validity with task conflict in previous measures.
- Found that process conflict negatively affects group performance.
- O’Neill, T. A., Allen, N. J., & Hastings, S. E. (2013). Examining the “Pros” and “Cons” of TeamConflict: A Team-Level Meta-Analysis of Task, Relationship, and Process Conflict. Human Performance, 26(3), 236–260.
- Meta analysis, used all three conflict types, determined that process conflict had the strongest relationship with team performance but this was dependent on performance measurement type.
Key Measurements
- Jehn, K. A., & Mannix, E. A. (2001). The Dynamic Nature of Conflict: A longitudinal study of intragroup conflict and group performance. Academy of Management Journal, 44(2), 238–251.
- Jehn, & Mannix, 2001: often used in addition to Jehn 1995, adapted from Shah & Jehn 1993
- Behfar K, Mannix E, Peterson R, Trochim W (2011) Conflict in small groups: The meaning and consequences of process conflict. Small Group Research 42(2):127–176
- Behfar et. al., 2011: scale exclusively for process conflict
Recent Articles
- Fitzgerald, D. R., Mohammed, S., & Kremer, G. O. (2017). Differences in the way we decide: The effect of decision style diversity on process conflict in design teams. Personality and Individual Differences, 104, 339–344.
- Extended the literature on the effects of decision making style diversity on process conflict.
- Found that higher decision style diversity was associated with greater process conflict.
- Parayitam, S., & Papenhausen, C. (2016). Agreement-seeking behavior, trust, and cognitive diversity in strategic decision making teams. Journal of Advances in Management Research, 13(3), 292–315.
- Examines the role of process conflict as a moderator between agreement-seeking behavior, trust, and cognitive diversity.
- Found that process conflict acts as a moderator between agreement-seeking behavior and team effectiveness and decision commitment.
- van den Berg, W., L. Curseu, P., & T.H. Meeus, M. (2014). Emotion regulation and conflict transformation in multi-team systems. International Journal of Conflict Management, 25(2), 171–188.
- Tested emotion regulation in the transformation of task and process conflict into relationship conflict.
- Found that when collective emotion regulation strategies are used effectively process conflict is less likely to transform into relationship conflict.