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Department of Psychiatry Department of Psychiatry

Seminars, Workshops, and Presentations 

Team Workshop Spring 2021

This workshop targets practical team science tools to improve research teams' productivity, efficiency and collaboration while also applying these innovative methods to work with community partners.

Session 1 : A 50,000 Foot View of Team Effectiveness

Session 2 : Tools for Building an Effective Team and/or Partnership

Session 3 : How Team Leadership Contributes to Building/ Maintaining Effective Teams

Session 4 : Importance of Measurement in Team Development

Session 5 : Team Science in Community - Academic and Community Engaged Research

Session 6 : Merging Team Science with D&I Science

Session 7 : Sustainment of Effective Teams

Session 8 : Team Science and Career Advancement

Qualitative Methods Seminar Series 2023

The San Diego CFAR Implementation Science Hub, DISC, and IN STEP Centers launched a virtual Qualitative Methods, Scaling Implementation Science Grants, and Community Engagement Series.

Session 1 Resources: Qualitative Methods in Implementation Research

Drs. Cathleen Willging and Daniel Shattuck begin the series with an introduction to qualitative methods, assembling your qualitative team, and developing your qualitative assessments/interview guides.

 Session 2 : Assessing Context in Implementation Research Using Qualitative Methods

Drs. Alison Hamilton and Nicole Stadnick delve into the topic of assessing context in implementation research using qualitative methods. They share their expertise and insights on effectively capturing and analyzing contextual factors that influence the implementation of interventions. 

Session 3 : Conducting Qualitative Interviews and Focus Groups

Drs. Cathleen Willging and Daniel Shattuck discuss conducting interviews and focus groups. 

Presentations 2023

Methods and Musings on How to Advance Team and Network Based Approaches in Implementation Science

Dr. Christina Yuan provides an overview of her work to use social network and systems science methods to better understand how people interact and influence one another during the implementation process. She  shares some musings around several concepts from the team science and management literature that could inform the field of implementation science.

Testing the Effectiveness of an Organizational Implementation Strategy for Two Evidence-Based Autism Interventions in School and Mental Health Services: The TEAMS Trials

Drs. Lauren Brookman-Frazee and Aubyn Stahmer share the results of the “Translating Evidence-based Interventions for Autism: Multi-Level Implementation Strategy” (TEAMS) study. The TEAMS Study looked at how training for leaders in mental health and school programs might help teachers and therapists learn to deliver evidence-based autism interventions. They share information about the type of training leaders received, how they supported providers in learning evidence-based practices and how leader support affected provider use of the strategies and children’s behavioral outcomes.

Implementation Science and the Science of Teams 

Dr. Elizabeth McGuier provides an overview of teamwork and team effectiveness research in the context of child-serving systems of care.

Shared Mental Models

Madeline Fillipi provides a brief overview of shared mental models within teams.

Natural Language Processing (NLP) for Mental Health Teams

Applications of NLP

Ayesha Enayet provides a literature review on applications of Natural Language Processing (NLP) for NLP researchers.

Introduction to Embedding

Ayesha Enayet provides an introduction to Natural Language Processing (NLP) embeddings.

Detecting Team Conflict from Communication Patterns

Ayesha Enayet provides an overview of a research project on predicting team conflict from natural language utterances.