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Department of Psychiatry Department of Psychiatry

Sustained Training

Mentored Research Activities at the Home Institution

As part of the application process, scholars submit a plan for mentored research experiences at their home institution pertinent to the study of HIV/Aging. These research activities should build on existing studies at the home institution and may involve participation in outreach and recruitment, data collection (testing of research subjects, conduction of specific experiments in the laboratory), statistical analyses of existing data, etc. It is expected that these research experiences will result in at least one scientific presentation and one manuscript submission.

In order to stay engaged with the STAHR program and to facilitate communication, different forms of distance learning and mentoring are provided. Scholars and their Core mentors (from UCSD and home institutions) continue communication throughout the year via regular "check-in sessions" through video and teleconferencing to check on the progress of their research activities, manuscript development, and grant applications, as well as overall career development.

Scholars have access to year-round remote seminars and meetings pertinent to HIV/Aging research by leveraging resources and infrastructure available at the UCSD HNRP and the Stein Institute. The HNRP and the Stein Institute also have other standing seminars and journal clubs such as the weekly Research Review Cooperative, Neuropsychology Journal Club, Stein Weekly Research meeting, Geriatrics Rounds, etc., which are available via phone or videoconference. STAHR scholars also receive funding to take online courses while enrolled in the program. While this is not a required component of the program, several scholars take advantage of this opportunity to develop skills to conduct high caliber research in a new area for them.

We will develop online seminars that will enhance in-person training offered via the STAHR Workshop and Summer Institute following a hybrid model of education, which includes both face-to-face and online didactic components.