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Department of Psychiatry Department of Psychiatry

Affect Management


"Regulating member emotions during mission accomplishment, including (but not limited to) social cohesion, frustration, and excitement." (Marks et al., 2001, p. 363)

Recent Articles

  • Klonek, F. E., Kanse, L., Wee, S., Runneboom, C., & Parker, S. K. (2021). Did the covid-19 lock-down make us better at working in virtual teams? Small Group Research, 53(2), 185–206.
    • Measured team processes and performance of virtual teams.
    • Found that teams show borderline significant high levels of affect management in the post-transition phase in comparison to the transition phase.
  • Hill, N. S., Offermann, L. R., & Thomas, K. (2018). Mitigating the detrimental impact of maximum negative affect on team cohesion and performance through face-to-face communication. Group & Organization Management, 44(1), 211–238.
    • Investigated the influence of the team member with the highest negative affect.
    • Found that face-to-face interaction mitigates the effect of negative affect and contributes a practical implication to affectivity management.
  • Littlepage, G. E., Steffensen, D. S., Yi, J., & Hembree, H. (2022). Validation of the teamwork situational judgment test. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice, 26(4), 322–340.
    • Performed a study that confirmed the validity of the Teamwork SJT. Included affect management in this evaluation of team performance.