AFNI Notes: 7/15/2016
Types of Connectivity
Overview: AFNI Connectivity Handout
1) Prepare your data
You should consider bandwidth filtering your data. preprocess [consider adding -regress_bandpass 0.01 0.1]
Or add 3dFourier
3dFourier -prefix output file name output
-lowpass f low pass filter with a cutoff of f Hz
-highpass f high pass filter with a cutoff of f Hz
-ignore n ignore the first n images [default = 1]
-retrend remove trends [polort 1], filter, then restore trends
List input at end
3dFourier -prefix $out -lowpass .1 -highpass .01 -ignore 2 -retrend $in
2) Pull seed Timeseries
3) Deconvolve
4) Transform data for group analysis
ICA: AFNI does have 3dICA.R but in general melodic or GiFT have more to offer for this kind of analysis
Fsl:melodic use raw nii.gz files
Spm~GiFT use prepped files ( is okay for use if not SPM) just split nii.gz files to 1 per time series and have placed in a subject directory (i.e., Study/Subject1/T1.hdr…) use fslsplit
Graph: beyond the scope of today but may add later if we want
Task based
1) Prepare your data
You should consider bandwidth filtering your data. preprocess [consider adding -regress_bandpass 0.01 0.1]
Or add 3dFourier
2) Pull seed Timeseries
3) Splice file using 3dTfitter: example.txt
4) Deconvolve
5) Transform data for group analysis
Granger: This is a causal modeling much like DCM (see powerpoint here) in that temporal sequence is analyzed. Granger is carried out in afni on vector or brick files.